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RE: 3 Healthy Whole-Food Plant-Based Sauces, which are good for the soul and your body 😍

Happy Saturday Your intention to share information regarding whole grain sauces and this food processor is appreciated, however, if you read the rules of this community, (which you can see on the right side of the screen), we only accept original content, (text and photos), so I am proceeding to mute your post on Plant Power (Vegan), as the photos are not of your authorship. Keep this in mind for future posts.

Note: If you remove that photo and put photos that are yours, of the elaboration of the recipes, it would be great.


What? 1 photo doesn't not make my not original oO

I fking sourced it, which is what we do on Hive oO

Do you want me to take a picture of my blender, so you can see I own one or what?

Don't be discouraged. Although I do not agree with the mute I think that communities should have rules, especially a niche community like this. Imagine if this was allowed, non-vegans, or people that don't even sympathize with the vegan cause, could join and farm rewards from real vegans sharing real experiences.

I think I have only posted here once or twice so I am not very knowledgeable about it here though. Just don't be discouraged and post a photo you took the next time. I am curious to see what you prepare and how does the result look like.

Do you guys have a discord? Because I think you 100% in the wrong here. Thats some next level bullshit

Wow. They muted your post just because you used a blender photo from the internet with source on your own recipe post? I have not posted anything into the Plant Power (Vegan) community so far, but I completely agree with you on this case. This is indeed a next level bullshit. I hope that you can solve this misunderstanding with them.

I could just start downvoting random shit or her and label it as "unfair dowmvotes" because of "unfair mutes"

Propeely going to do that after I hit 50 Bro and get my delegations back, then I have a bit more power to fuck around with ^^ :D

I do not believe that downvoting her posts would be the right solution to this, but of course it is your stake, and everyone can do whatever he/she wants with his/her stake. Probably the best solution would be indeed to talk to her (or to other community leaders). Either on the previously mentioned Discord, or in this comment section. Hopefully she soon will write a reply to you, and you can solve this. The possible "downvote wars" are scaring away both existing and potential new users, so this is not good for the Hive blockchain.

I already talked with them in discord. First it was just my post muted, but I did call her retarded and that made my entire account muted.
She also wants an apology for my langauge and I want an apology for her labelling my content as "not orginal".

So might just downvote her for fun

I understand both of you in this situation. Both of you are right on some level. But downvoting her probably will make the situation even worse.

I know it will make the situation even worse. I plan on it :D