MEATLESS MONDAY: Vegan Egg Whites, Golden Milk, Nutty Blossom Cookies, Godok godok, Vegetable Protein, Lempe Bugis and Thai Vegan Curry


The Meatless Monday curation aims to value the commitment of users within our community and the HIVE ecosystem, through the curation of posts with good content related to vegan food. Our intention is to help these authors feel valued and recognize authentic and original work, done with love and dedication. That said, let's get started with this beautiful compilation.


Hello everyone, Happy New Year dear friends of the Plant Power (Vegan) Community! We have started this new year 2022 with the best vibes, and in order to have that level of energy, nothing better than a delicious and healthy diet, which is compassionate and friendly with Mother Earth; which is why, below we offer a compilation of delicious vegan recipes for all tastes.

As usual, in this weekly curation we want to celebrate, value veganism, so we highlight excellent vegan recipe posts that, in general, are innovative, original, whether they have been published within our community or outside it during the last 7 days. For today we include a dessert made with vegan egg whites, a very nutritious and healing drink, such as golden milk, nut flower cookies, a traditional Indonesian cake, a complete vegetable protein dish, Indonesian snacks and a vegan Thai curry. Let's see these delicious recipes!


The replacement of eggs as binding elements in various vegan preparations, can be somewhat complex, since reaching the texture, volume and growth capacity offered by egg whites, is difficult, however, @amy-goodrich found a great alternative based on aquafaba, and prepares us an exquisite kiwi mousse, and as always, makes a beautiful post. Let's see this recipe worthy of being known by all:




"Let your medicine be your food", said Hippocrates, and this premise is demonstrated by @kyleana in her Golden Milk post, a preparation based on coconut milk, turmeric and ginger; a recipe that is ideal for those who are recovering from viral illnesses. An important recipe that can be very useful for us.

Healing Foods: Golden Milk 💛 | @kyleana



The epitome of elegance in Veganism is @lenasveganliving. Her posts are exceptionally beautiful and delicate, as well as presenting a very detailed step-by-step. This time she bids farewell to the old year and welcomes 2022, with an exquisite recipe for cookies with Nutella. Let's take a look at this delicious recipe.

NUTTY BLOSSOM COOKIES | @lenasveganliving



Indonesian gastronomy is very rich and diverse, as @umirais always shows us in his posts, and this time he brings us a very interesting recipe: Godok godok or Cekodok, a traditional cake from the province of West Sumatra, which is accompanied with a palm sugar-based sauce. Let's take a look at this original recipe!

Godok godok palm sugar sauce, traditional Indonesian cake | @umirais



There is a false belief that vegetables are lacking in protein, and nothing could be further from the truth; and this is precisely what @colladolisbeth, (who publishes for the first time in this community), tries to highlight with her recipe based on rich vegetable proteins, creating a delicious dish that can easily be a lunch for the whole family. An interesting recipe to know:

Ricas recetas con proteína de origen vegetal/Rich recipes with vegetable protein😋 (ES/EN) | @colladolisbeth



We return again to Indonesia and its exceptional gastronomy, and this time we travel by the hand of @aswita to the province of North Sumatra; to know a very native recipe of that area, such as Lapek Bugis, sweet snacks, not only delicious, but with an excellent presentation. Let's get to know this traditional recipe:

Lapek Bugis Recipe | @aswita



Welcoming the new year requires a festive way, with a delicious and healthy dish, as @carolynstahl did with her Vegan Thai Curry, a dish in which she harmoniously combines various ingredients such as pumpkin, tofu and spices. As always, she presents us with a beautiful and impeccable post, with very nice pictures. Let's get to know this delicious recipe, ideal for the beginning of the month and of the year:

First food of the year-Thai vegan curry | @carolynstahl



In this and every curation, we set up one of our delegators as 5% beneficiary. This time I picked @amy-goodrich for the quality her content she shares with us Hivers.

Powered by LOTUS token, an alternative health social currency on HIVE. Delegations welcome! Find our community here. DiscordIICuration Trail


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