First of all, I'm really happy to see your bright face, which tells me you're more than alive and kicking. I never thought you were dead, hehe, but I did think you might be sick or, perhaps, there was something wrong with your Hive account. Universe forbid.
I can see that you're having tons of work and are still unable to sleep at your pleasure. Too bad, but you're looking gorgeous and strong after so many hours at the "gym" 😁
The dish! Oh my! I want a bowl of that. I'm making salad for lunch and dinner today because food is so heavy during Venezuelan Christmas that we need a long rest before New Year's Eve.
Sorry about the doggie 😕
Sending a huge hug! ❤️
Haha, I just threw in the dead part for silly sarcasm. I'm from southern Ontario and that's the type of humour we tend to have lol.
We don't do anything different for Christmas and after visiting the old folks yesterday, eating cabbage rolls soaked in grease, I'm wanting a big salad. In fact I asked Marc to make a big salad for when I get home from work.
Yeah the poor dog was fed to death. An obese guy that didn't get walked until I showed up. It was empty without him begging me to take him for a walk.
Anyway I thank you for your comment and wonderful compliment. I will be getting ready to go to the "gym" soon. 😊❤️