Hello my friends, I hope you are well, your week is being successful, it is a pleasure to be here again and to be able to share new recipes with everyone, on this occasion, I want to present you a dessert, which we love at home, but this time It will be vegan, I'm talking about a delicious chocolate cake, one of the favorite cakes for everyone at home, filled and covered with chocolate, this is an explosion of flavors and I definitely don't see the difference between making it the way I'm used to, to make it vegan, the flavor is just as irresistible, it is very easy to prepare this cake, and very quick too, I hope you like it, let's get started.
Vegan chocolate cake.

For the cake

2 Cups of flour.
3/4 cup of brown sugar, you can use white sugar or any other sweetener you prefer.
1 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder.
2/3 cup of cocoa powder.
2/3 cup of sunflower oil, or whatever you have at home.
A tablespoon of vanilla.
1 and 1/3 cup of hot water.
1/3 cup of black coffee. (Optional).
A little bit of Almonds to decorate.(Optional)
For the filling and topping.

2 Tablespoons of cornstarch or cornstarch.
3 Tablespoons of cocoa powder.
1/2 cup of brown sugar.
2 Tablespoons of sunflower oil.
3/4 cup of water.
1- In a bowl or container, sift the flour with the help of a sieve, along with the baking powder and cocoa, mix everything well.

2- Then we add the sugar and continue mixing.
3- Add the oil, water, vanilla, and coffee, beat until a homogeneous mixture becomes firm.

4- When the mixture is ready, we add it to a previously greased and floured baking pan, we put it in the preheated oven for approximately 40 minutes.

5- Once the time has passed, we check the cake, we can prick it with a toothpick and if it comes out clean we will know that it is ready, we remove it from the oven, unmold it and let it cool.

6- While the cake is cooling, prepare the chocolate cream, in a pot, add the water, and the cornstarch, mix well until the cornstarch dissolves, then add the cocoa powder and sugar, continue mixing, finally Add the oil, and bring to a boil, over medium-low heat, continue mixing, until the cream thickens and when it starts to boil, remove from the heat, preferably use hot.

7- With the cream ready and the cake cold, we can fill and decorate with this delicious cream. Finally, I added a little chopped almonds on top and that's it, enjoy this exquisite double chocolate cake, I assure you that it is irresistible.

I say goodbye my friends, I hope you enjoyed this vegan cake, at home we are all happy with it haha, see you next time, blessings.
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All images are my property.
Hola mis amigos, espero que estén muy bien, su semana esté siendo exitosa, es un gusto volver a estar por acá y poder compartir con todos nuevas recetas, en esta oportunidad, les quiero presentar un postre, que amamos en casa, pero esta vez será vegano, les hablo de una deliciosa torta de chocolate, una de las tortas preferidas por todos en casa, rellena y cubierta de chocolate, esto es una explosión de sabores y definitivamente no le veo la diferencia entre hacerla de la manera que acostumbro, a hacerla vegana, el sabor es igual de irresistible, es muy fácil de preparar este pastel, y muy rápido también, espero que les guste, empezamos.
Pastel de chocolate Vegano.

Para el pastel

2 Tazas de harina.
3/4 de taza de azúcar morena, pueden usar azúcar blanca o cualquier otro endulzante que prefieran.
1 y 1/2 Cucharadita de polvo para hornear.
2/3 de taza de cacao en polvo.
2/3 de taza de aceite de girasol, o el que tengan en casa.
Una cucharada de vainilla.
1 y 1/3 de taza de agua caliente.
1/3 de taza de café negro. (Opcional).
Un poquito de Almendras para decorar.(Opcional)
Para el relleno y la cobertura.

2 Cucharadas de almidon de maiz o maicena.
3 Cucharadas de cacao en polvo.
1/2 taza de azúcar morena.
2 Cucharadas de aceite de girasol.
3/4 de taza de agua.
1- En un bol o recipiente, tamizamos la harina con la ayuda de un colador, junto con el polvo de hornear y el cacao, mezclamos bien todo.

2- Luego agregamos el azúcar y seguimos mezclando.
3- Agregamos el aceite, el agua, la vainilla, y el café, batimos hasta que se firme una mezcla homogénea.

4- Cuando esté lista la mezcla, la añadimos a un molde para horno, previamente engrasado y enharinado, llevamos al horno, precalentado por 40 min aproximadamente.

5- Una vez pasado el tiempo, revisamos el pastel, podemos pinchar con un palillo y si sale limpio sabremos que está listo, retiramos del horno desmoldamos y dejamos enfriar.

6- Mientras se enfría el pastel, preparamos la crema de chocolate, en una olla, agregamos el agua, y la maicena, mezclamos bien hasta que la maicena se disuelva, luego agregamos el cacao en polvo y el azúcar, seguimos mezclando, por último agregamos el aceite, y llevamos a cocción, a fuego medio bajo, seguimos mezclando, hasta que la crema espese y cuando empiece a hervir, retiramos del calor, usar preferiblemente caliente.

7- Con la crema lista y el pastel frío, podemos rellenar y decorar con esta delicia de crema. Por último le agregue un poco de almendras troceadas por encima y listo, a disfrutar de este exquisito pastel doble chocolate, les aseguro que es irresistible.

Me despido mis amigos, espero que hayan disfrutado de este pastel vegano, en casa todos estamos felices con el jaja, nos vemos en la próxima, bendiciones.
Gracias por leer y apoyar mis posts
Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad.
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That’s a spectacular looking cake. I can’t wait to try it out. 😁😁😁❤️❤️🍩
Hello my friend, it is a delight, I recommend it 100 percent. Thanks for stopping by, hugs.🤗
Amiga your cake left me wanting that piece, a delight. Greetings
It's good that you liked it minqieroda friend, thanks for the support. Hugs 🤗
Amiga, es torta quedó espectacular, se nota la suavidad, saludos
Thanks my friend, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the support.
The cake is beautiful it looks very soft and light textured, so glad to see that you made it. I love the melted chocolate cream topping on the outside and the addition of the chopped almonds. It amazes me that you mentioned sunflower oil in the ingredients, and that's the first time I've heard of it, it's very hard to find in my country of course.
Thank you my friend, by the way, this cake is a true delight. Here in Venezuela it is very common to find sunflower, corn and soybean oil, also olive oil, but it is more expensive.
It's great to live in a country where you have a lot of oil jacuzzis, maybe my country has one and it's in a big city.
Nice recipe to look out for
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