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(English version below)
Hola amigos y amigas de Hive, espero que todos se encuentren muy bien. Hoy les traigo una receta sencilla de un Pan de Batata y Calabaza. Me motive a prepararlo, porque recientemente mi hijo fue invitado por una amiga panadera a hacer pan y me sorprendió mucho saber que hicieron pan de batata, nunca me lo hubiera imaginado.
Hello Hive friends, I hope you are all feeling well. Today I bring you a simple recipe for a Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Bread. I was motivated to prepare it, because recently my son was invited by a baker friend to make bread and I was very surprised to learn that they made sweet potato bread, I would never have imagined it.
Siempre he pensado que la cocina en toda sus variantes es un arte y una ciencia, en ese orden de ideas pues yo me considero como una científica loca 😜. Entiendo que la cantidad y combinación de ciertos ingredientes muchas veces tiene una razón justificada, pero en ese caso soy bastante irreverente por alguna razón, a veces sin motivo alguno.
I have always thought that cooking in all its variants is an art and a science, in that order of ideas because I consider myself as a crazy scientist 😜. I understand that the amount and combination of certain ingredients many times has a justified reason, but in that case I am quite irreverent for some reason, sometimes for no reason at all.

Sin embargo, en ocasiones altero los ingredientes porque cuando quiero preparar alguna cosa, lo hago sin importar que en el momento no tenga todos los ingredientes a la mano, así que sustituyo o me las arreglo para hacer la preparación sin alguno de ellos. En otras ocasiones es, porque considero que alguno de ellos es exagerado, como por ejemplo en el caso del azúcar en la repostería, que muchas veces uso mucho menos de la indicada.
However, sometimes I alter the ingredients because when I want to prepare something, I do it regardless of the fact that at the moment I don't have all the ingredients on hand, so I substitute or manage to make the preparation without some of them. At other times it is because I consider that some of them are exaggerated, as for example in the case of sugar in baking, I often use much less than indicated.
Pues la receta de hoy, es una combinación de algunas recetas que leí y añadiduras de mi parte para darle un toque especial a lo que resultaría ser el pan. Estuve buscando en internet alguna receta de pan de batata que fuera sencilla, encontré unas increíbles pero que requerían demasiado tiempo, pero llegue a una receta que me gustó mucho, la leí completa, pero luego me decía que debía descargar una aplicación para poder volver a leerla. Yo estaba apurada y así que decidí tomar en cuenta lo que recordaba y añadir un poco más 😉.
Well, today's recipe is a combination of some recipes I read and some additions of my own to give a special touch to what would turn out to be the bread. I was looking on the internet for a simple sweet potato bread recipe, I found some amazing ones but they were too time consuming, but I came to a recipe that I really liked, I read it all, but then it told me that I had to download an application to read it again. I was in a hurry and so I decided to take into account what I remembered and add a little more 😉.
Yo hice el pan con batata y calabaza (auyama) porque solo tenía una batata y no era suficiente para la preparación. Discúlpenme los panaderos profesionales, pero como novata siempre me tomo muchas libertades 😁.
I made the bread with sweet potato and pumpkin (auyama) because I only had one sweet potato and it wasn't enough for the preparation. Forgive me professional bakers, but as a novice I always take too many liberties 😁.
Ingredientes // Ingredients
🍚 400 grs de harina de trigo
🍠 300 gramos de batata (auyama, papa o una mezcla de ellas)
🥄 10 gramos de levadura
🥛 75 ml de agua tibia
🍥 10 gramos de azúcar
🥄 1 cucharadita de sal
🍮 50 grs de margarina
🍪 Sustituto de un huevo (Yo utilicé una cucharada de semillas de lino molida y 3 cucharadas de agua)
🌿 Orégano y ajo en polvo para aromatizar
Ajonjolí para decorar
400 grams of wheat flour
300 grams of sweet potato (auyama, potato or a mixture of them).
10 grams of yeast
75 ml of lukewarm water
10 grams of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
50 grams of margarine
Egg substitute (I used one tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 3 tablespoons of water).
Oregano and garlic powder for aromatization
Sesame to decorate

Preparación // Preparation
✔️ Lo primero que debemos hacer es pelar las verduras bien lavadas. Luego, las ponemos a hervir en suficiente agua con un poco de sal.
The first thing we must do is peel the vegetables well washed. Then, we put them to boil in enough water with a little salt.

✔️ Una vez que estén blandas las retiramos del fuego y colamos para escurrir el exceso de agua.
Once soft, remove from heat and strain to drain excess water.

✔️ Luego trituramos las verduras, le agregamos la margarina, la sal, el orégano, el ajo y el sustituto del huevo y mezclamos muy bien.
Then we mash the vegetables, add the margarine, salt, oregano, garlic and egg substitute and mix very well.

✔️ Seguidamente agregamos la harina, la levadura y un poco de agua. Yo recomiendo agregar el agua de a poco, se va agregando hasta que veamos si la masa necesita más líquido. Recordemos que las verduras absorben líquido durante la cocción.
Then add the flour, yeast and a little water. I recommend adding the water a little at a time, adding it until we see if the dough needs more liquid. Remember that vegetables absorb liquid during cooking.

✔️ Luego amasamos hasta integrar bien y pasamos a una superficie con un poco de harina y continuamos amasando unos 10 minutos. Aunque yo creo que nunca aguanto tanto.
Then we knead until well integrated and move to a surface with a little flour and continue kneading for about 10 minutes. Although I don't think I ever last that long.
✔️ Despues, de eso la dejamos levar por una hora, luego de lo cual desgasificamos, dividimos en porciones, boleamos y armamos los pancitos. Yo los hice redondos, bueno traté al menos, algunos me quedaron mas redondos que otros. Entonces los dejas levar una hora más, pincelas con un poco de agua y agregas ajonjolí si lo deseas y horneas por 15 minutos a 80⁰ C.
After that, we let it rise for an hour, after which we deglaze it, divide it into portions, roll it and assemble the loaves. I made them round, well I tried at least, some were rounder than others. Then let them rise for another hour, brush with a little water and add sesame seeds if desired and bake for 15 minutes at 80⁰ C.

✔️ Al retirar del fuego quise pincelarlos con un poco de aceite con ajo triturado y orégano, esto le dio un toque sublime. El primero me lo comí recién salido calientito con un poco de mayonesa con cilantro y ajo que tenía preparada. Pero se me olvido tomarles fotos. Menos mal que se me ocurrió guardarle a mi mamá y fue que pude tomarle una foto.
When I removed them from the fire I wanted to brush them with a little oil with crushed garlic and oregano, this gave them a sublime touch. I ate the first one just out of the oven with some cilantro and garlic mayonnaise that I had prepared. But I forgot to take pictures of them. Fortunately I thought of saving them for my mom and I was able to take a picture.
Lamentablemente estos no resultaron de los más redondos y tanto a ella como a mí nos parecía más bien una papa (jajaja). Le rellené su pancito con calabacín rallado sofrito con ajo, rebanadas tomate y cebolla y unté el pancito con mayonesa de ajo y cilantro nuevamente. Puedes usar la mayonesa vegana que desees. La receta de la mayonesa de garbanzos puedes leerla aquí.
Unfortunately these were not the roundest and both she and I thought it was more like a potato (hahaha). I stuffed her pancito with grated zucchini sautéed with garlic, tomato and onion slices and spread the pancito with garlic mayonnaise and cilantro again. You can use any vegan mayonnaise you like. You can read the recipe for the chickpea mayonnaise here.

El pancito quedó muy rico, suavecito, y con un toque dulce encantador. Espero que te animes a probar la receta.
The bread turned out very tasty, soft and with a lovely sweet touch. I hope you are encouraged to try the recipe.

Imágenes | Picture: Tomadas por mí a menos que se indique lo contrario (algunas editadas en Canva.com o en Microsoft Powerpoint) | Taken by me unless otherwise noted (some edited in Canva.com or Microsoft Powerpoint).
Nombre, Separadores y Banner | Name, Separators and Banner: Diseñados por mí en Canva.com | Designed by me in Canva.com.
The recipe looks incredibly delicious!
And the presentation is just out of this world - a healthy burger.
I was just wondering what to make my son these days. Can different types of seeds be added or will the flavor be lost?
I screenshot the recipe! 😍
I'm glad you liked the recipe. Sure you can add seeds. I think I forgot to comment on the post, but I brushed the buns with a little water and added sesame seeds. The kitchen as art allows creativity, so you have to let creativity flow. I would love to know how you did with the recipe and if your son likes it 😁.
So excited to discovered this, would love to see vegan friendly meals more from you.
coming from dreemport
Excellent, very, very soon I will continue publishing some. thanks for stopping by 😁😉
The analogy of being a mad scientist is great, I say that too! It makes cooking more fun that way, thanks for sharing your recipe and method @marbrym! Visiting from dreemport
Thank you very much
Friend @grindan and thanks to dreemport for get you to me 💕😜🤝
Wow its looks yummy yummy wish am around so I can have a taste at least Weldon
If it's too tasty. I hope you can try it sometime, you won't regret it 😅😉
Thank you very much for your support ❤️
Amazing! Looks yummy! I think I'm going to try this, even if I substitute some of the ingredients, haha!
Dreemport brought me here.
Sure, creativity is the limit. I know you'll get great results no matter if you substitute something or add something extra 😁😅😉.
Great work. I really like potatoes.
That good. Thank you very much for passing by and leaving me your comment @mypathtofire 🤝😉
That is one yummy 😋 meal you got there. It feels so good when you are motivated to try out new things because of your children.
I can tell you enjoyed it with great delight, and your mum too 😊😊😊.
Thanks for sharing the recipe and the detailed explanation.
Popped in via #dreemport.
Yes, it makes me happy to cook for my family and also to try new recipes. Many thanks to you and to #dreemport that brought you to me 😘😁.
wow se ve bien sabroso y fácil de preparar
Absolutely, so it's an infallible combination: tasty + easy, so I hope you'll be encouraged to prepare it 😅😁
That's how it is friend 😉. Thank you very much
Que deliciaaaa😍😍😍 jamas habia visto este pan y para mi que ando eN modo bajar de peso me viene muy bien, tal vez con otra harina, pero se ve riquisimoo😍😍
Así es, es una excelente opción, puede utiliar una harina integral u otra de tu preferencia te quedxará genial, no dudes en intentarlo ❤️
Oye primera ver qué veo algo así pero se sabroso voy a tener que hacer esa receta a ver cómo me va
Si debes intentarla es super rico, su sabor dulce es espectacular. Muchas gracias por dejarme tu comentario ❤️
This looks really mouth watering 🤤😋, I think this process is one that anyone can follow and get a desired result.
Nice recipe @marbrym, I love the fact that you are very creative with your cooking.
Thank you very much for your kind comment @hopestylist. Yes, I love cooking and I always do different things. Here at home we love to eat lol and no matter how much or how little we always make an effort to make it tasty. I hope you have a nice day! 😉🌷
You're welcome Mary, it's my pleasure to stop by. It's a good thing you love eating a lot, that means you have a very good ability of also knowing when a food is tasty or not, awesome!!!
I will, you too have a beautiful day ahead.