Vegan gluten-free zucchini lasagna.

in Plant Power (Vegan)3 years ago (edited)

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Greetings Plant Power Vegan Community.
I want to tell you that I love lasagna, but obviously I had to adapt it to my way of eating.
I've been vegan for 10 year but my big problem came when due to a surgery I was left with a gluten allergy.
That's when I realized that I can't eat like a normal vegan 😢.
But even so my respect and empathy towards animals has led me to want to keep going.

This recipe that I will present to you today is my favorite, "vegan gluten-free zucchini lasagna".
When I made it for the first time I was amazed at how delicious it can be, without the need for pasta and with very few ingredients.


This is for four servings, if you are less gluttonous than me, it can be 6 servings. Although you can adapt the recipe to the quantities you want.

  • 3 zucchini.
  • 3 large tomatoes.
  • 1 small onion.
  • 1 garlic clove.
  • 200 grams Soy meat.
  • Grated vegan cheese to taste.
  • Basil to taste.
  • Various seasonings, I used oregano and cumin.
  • Oil and salt.



Cut the zucchini into thin but wide strips, as in the picture. Then wash them and let the water drain for a few minutes.


Add the soy meat in a bowl to hydrate it for 15 minutes with boiling water. Then strain it and wash it with cold water, you must drain it by squeezing it with your hands so that it is free of water.


In a frying pan heat the oil and sauté the garlic with the onion, add the previously hydrated soy meat and cook covered for 6 to 8 min. Season with salt, cumin, oregano and basil.


In another pan add the sliced tomatoes and a drizzle of oil, season with a little salt and oregano. Simply brown them a little so that they lose most of their juice.
If you want to prepare a sauce that is your decision, I like it with bigger pieces.


Place a layer of zucchini in a baking dish as shown in the picture. Let it cover the entire bottom.


Then add a layer of the soy meat you prepared.


Next it is the turn of a layer of tomatoes and so you alternate until you finish the ingredients.
In my case, after this tomato layer I put another layer of zucchini. Next was more soy meat filling, tomato again and finally another layer of zucchini.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, well the time will depend on the oven.
Mine is quite weak, it is supposed to be ready in 30 minutes, but it took 50 minutes.


After 20 minutes in the oven I take out the lasagna and put the vegan cheese on it. Then I put it back in the oven until the 50 minutes are completed in my case.


Look at all the work it was worth it, this is the result, it was delicious 😋.
Sometimes he added bechamel sauce, but this time he didn't have any.
Well, there are many ways to prepare it but this is my way of making it.

Photographs used are my property
Some of the images were edited with Canva

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