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RE: Flat Noodles With Turmeric Gravy To Treat Menstural Cramps

It looks good!! The basic ingredient for this delicious dish uses my favorite food, tempe. Tempe is very famous in the city where I live, Malang. The best taste of Tempe is from Malang and even here, tempe is made into tempe chips with various flavors and crunchy textures. Usually people from out of town will buy this as a souvenir. Have you ever tasted it? ^^


yeees, tempeh crackers are my fav here. :) whoa, I can't wait to taste Malang tempeh when I go there someday :)

Ohhh really?? Cool ^^
but for me as Malang's girl, I like fried Tempe and it is mashed with shrimp taste sauce on the "cobek" lol
So, actually where do you come from?