Fed Court: Religion won't Allow Professors to Misgender Students ⚖️

in Atheism5 years ago

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A federal court has dismissed the case of an Ohio professor who claims that his religious
freedom was violated when his employer disciplined him for knowingly and repeatedly
misgendering a student. Humanities professor Nicholas Meriwether came into conflict with
Shawnee State University, where he has worked since 1996, after they issued him a written
disciplinary warning over his persistent refusal to use a transgender woman’s correct title and pronouns. Meriwether, an evangelical Christian, argued that his religious convictions required him to use masculine titles and pronouns for the student, referred to in legal documentation only as Jane Doe. U.S. District Judge Susan Dlott dismissed Meriwether's case.

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Source: Federal Court: Religion Doesn’t Give Professor the Right to Misgender Students
Location: Ohio, USA

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I remember reading about this case, or one similar. I thought the professor had been fired for refusing to call the student "they" instead of he or she.
I must confess it can be a bit complicated with all these gender fluidity thing going on.
On the other hand if a student wants to be called "tree" I just call it 🌲
What different does it make in the great scheme of things?
That being said, I don't want to be in the shoes of someone who has been under religious indoctrination and sees the world through blinders. Living in this post modern world, where every day some traditional norm gets subverted, for better or worse, must be a nightmare for a conservative mind.

Nature has created two genders - male and female for the sole purpose of self-reproduction. But everyone is free to self-determine if they are between two hundred genders.

what is so difficult in been honest and calling something by its actual name??

I don't understand why people can't just call people by what they want to be.

If just saying he or she can make someone happy then that seems like an easy decision.

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the idea about mis-gendering a student is something which i will never support.....