So, this is going to be a short one. I’m usually drawn to books that is secret lives of anything. Secret lives of Baba Segi’s wives. Secret Lives of Pets. Secret lives of anything and so,
this is giving premium lover of gists, 😂 I enjoyed reading Secret lives of Baba Segi's wives, it was a light and humorous read, though insightful.
Ever since I read The One who Knows me and The One who Loves me by Joan Embola, I've been wanting to read more books with Christian backgrounds, I'll love to check this out.
Thank you for sharing!
I was looking into getting more acquainted with Christian-inspired novels. They do have some beautiful appeal to them. As for gists, call me anytime, any day, I'll be there!😂
Lovely to have you here, Mide.🌺