Book Review - Iblis Di Pekarangan (The Devil In The Yard)

in Hive Book Club3 months ago

Hello everyone...

This book is a book from a community called Detective ID. I know this community because my novel entitled Baruna was once nominated for their internal award. So I followed their Instagram. Although Baruna did not win the award because I was also relatively new and had few readers, I still monitored their activities through their Instagram account. I am happy to be able to participate in the online activities of the community and looking forward to other offline activities to absorb the knowledge of these mystery and investigation writers.

Therefore, when I saw one of the writers who is also my friend in the Cendol writing community promoting his Short Story Collection with writers, I didn't think twice to immediately order it. From this novel, I will see whose mystery story suits me, so if I find their mystery novel, I won't think twice to buy it, as a reference for my next investigation novel, of course.

So, let's talk about this novel. But before that, I will give proof that I bought it directly from my friend.

Here is it!

The Devil In The Yard

This novel has 15 short stories from 15 authors. The first short story is entitled Nan by Lia Nurida. Nan tells the story of two best friends Tara and Nan who are very complicated. Because of the jealousy of Tara who got the heart of her Miko- Nan's crush, Nan had the heart to kill Tara. No one knows that Nan has eliminated Tara from the world because Nan has done something worse than just killing her. Although told implicitly, in Nan's story I can guess the plot and what Nan's character is like.

The second story comes from Daras Resviandira entitled The Worst Roommate. This story tells the story of two girls who live in the same inn. This story is written with two different POVs, namely Ajeng's POV and Lilis' POV. At first, everything seemed normal, but over time Ajeng and Lilis found a misunderstanding. Both have different points of view and assume that other people are psychopaths. However, this story is confusing because the owner of the inn suddenly appears.

I can conclude that mystery or psychopath stories are closely related to mental issues. Because from the beginning I was aware of this, I could guess some stories. Like the story of '60 minutes with Audi by Dina Pandan', as the author tried to describe every detail of the incident, because the character's actions were very impulsive I could guess that there was something wrong with Audi, and that was true. Another story made me shudder because stories related to psychopaths tend to be bold, scary and vulgar. It had a disgusting effect on me. As a result, some stories are not suitable to read while eating. That happened in the story 'Pembersih Tidak Membunuh by Ayu Wilerang' and 'Ambush by Finn R' it could even give a dizzy sensation.

And my favorite story is the story from 'Akiyoshi Rikako entitled Backyard'. Although this story is quite simple, I was fooled and surprised when I read the climax. And in the end, I was satisfied because the main character committed a crime against her husband's lover. By the way, he is real Japanese Author and I amazed with Detective ID because they could invite Akiyoshi Rikako to join to this project.

Then there is the story of Teguh Alfandi entitled 'When Death Arrives, Let the Balcony Door Open', the story of a gay couple who finally get an ending like what happens in real life when one of them cheats. Although it gives a shuddering sensation, the ending is very much expected.

According to my goal when buying this book, I can determine whose book will accompany my next investigative novel. It's nice to know that now Indonesian writers are more diverse and Indonesian readers are increasingly fond of the mystery and thriller genres. I am happy that thriller genre lovers can now have many choices to read the works of local authors.

Compared to the previous book, I read this book quite quickly, because I usually finish 1 book in 1 month. But if the scope is reduced to a collection of short stories, the reading time for this novel is rather slow.

So, this book gets a rating of 3 out of five stars from me.

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you on the next post...

All photos taken by iPhone 13

Vivie Hardika

Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.
Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.


How interesting your experience with The Devil In The Yard. I love that you are exploring the writing community and their works. Mystery and psychopathy stories always have that intriguing touch that grabs.

Exactly, I also have the same interpretation as you. Thanks for stopping by @jessuses1381

really loved about cover. corious!