SHORT STORY SERIES - A Vendetta by Guy De Maupassant

in Hive Book Club2 years ago


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What a cringy read for obvious reasons. Okay, so totally unrelated but I'm actually buzzing from my last post. After a week that seem like nothing else could go wrong, I got a respite from the massive support on my last writing. I have thick skin and I am almost always indifferent in the face of adversity, this week came in hard. I couldn't think of any new idea, and the creative part of my brain was getting smudged, and to top it all up, I was doing so great on here. With a bright smile and an intention to do a bit of charity again today, I went out late this evening to my place of worship. On my way back I check my notifications, and a wide grin started to form on my face. I called my mate @osarueseosato to share the good news. On a normal day, I would definitely be happy and grateful about it but I will not so much rave about it as I'm doing now, but this could not be any more timely. Ah, enough gibberish talk; forgive me, let's talk about short stories.

I have read and written about a couple of Guy's works. The Necklace, Diary of a madman are some of his works and they are a classic. The Guy is a genius (saw what I did there, xd).


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  • Author - Guy De Maupassant
  • Title - A Vendetta
  • Published --
  • Genre - Crime, Fiction, Short Stories


Guy tells the story of an old mother who lives with her son and a dog in a part of a mountain isolated from the city. The old woman's son usually goes out with the dog to hunt. On one faithful day, the boy gets stabbed by a local village man who then fled the town. The villagers brought the dead body of the boy to the old woman who lays awake all night with the dog, mourning. She then swears to her dead son that she would avenge his death. HOW? You should find out yourself.


The story is set in the city called Bonifacio in Italy, and partly in the village of Longosardo, Sardinia. And as the author describes it, Longosardo sits across a channel from Bonifacio, which is clustered at the clifftop ''like the nest of wild birds.'.


The widow, Saverini is the main character of the story. She lives with her son Antoine and the dog Semillante. Nicholas Ravolati, the one who kills the widow's son.


There are a lot of layers to this, so I will let you decide.


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I have always admired the author's vivid description of the settings in his stories. It makes a reader like me wander with my mind to the place. To picture the event and all. Guy does a great job with the description and narration. I really don't want to give spoilers, heck it's just a short story, BUT grandma was a legend, haha. She pulled off an epic vendetta with the dog albeit It was a short story, I did not see it coming at all. I was impressed for real. It also goes to show you the love a mother has for a child. When she lost the young man I felt it, and I started to wonder how she would cope and what she would do. The story did not disappoint. I like the whole, eureka moment of grandma, and then the training and, finally the kill shot. Freaking Epic. I will defo recommend this to everyone as a leisure read. Not much of a lesson there though. I will rate this a 3/5.

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Thank you for reading my short story review yet again. I try not to give spoilers, :). Everything said herein is actually my own opinion. If there is anything I might have missed out, misinterpreted, or quoted wrongly, please point me towards it in the comment. Also, you could drop me your mail, so I could email you the link. It's just 13 pages or thereabout, it's free. Till next time.


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Oh my! I knew it was going to be an epic one as the mother was said to have swore to avenge her son's death. You old woman versus perhaps a young agile man.
I must read this!! Your review captivated me already.

Haha, I'm happy it did.

Cheers buddy ☺️

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