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RE: Community Contest #5 : Who Is Your Favorite Hive Author & Why?

in Hive Book Club3 years ago (edited)

Llegando de la mano al ser etiquetada por el amigo @felixmarranz, a ésta interesante propuesta creativa resaltando a los que a nuestro parecer nunca dejamos de visitar, leer, comentar y dar apoyo por su apreciado contenido que nos llena el alma con ideas y entusiasmo.

Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote a los participantes @hivebookclub

Arriving hand in hand when being tagged by the friend @felixmarranz, to this interesting creative proposal highlighting those who seem to us never stop visiting, reading, commenting and giving support for their appreciated content that fills our souls with ideas and enthusiasm.

Much success and a hug to the participants @hivebookclub

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Thank you for your participating! GOOD LUCK