Book Review: "Health And Home" Book

in Hive Book Club11 months ago


I really like to read this book all over again and in fact I already collected more of this books. Each of us loves to read books and through this, we can get many different kinds of informations that we can use in our everyday lives. Back when there are still no hightech things in our societies, books are very important and even today especially to the children and students. For today's blog, I would like to share what are the contents of this books and for me this will be fit in this community.

The titled of this book is "Health and Home" and inside of this book contains many authors and also contains different kinds of topics. Spiritual, Psychological, Mental and Health topics are all in this books and I really love to read it. I will share each of the topics and how important to us in our daily life.

For Health Topics:


Some of the topics related about health is just like this one. Many golden and important advice that preferred to the Parents on what to do to make their children eat with delicious foods just like Vegetables and fruits. We all know that some children are not fun eating with vegetables and this is not really good and it is very important that they will eat delicious foods. The first topics contains some advice to the Parents who are having a lot of problems about giving their children a delicious foods.

Even Doctors just like me will do some advice to take and give their children a nutritious and delicious foods for their children. Inside of this topics contains this following:

  • Vegetable is the best main dish for the children.
  • Being Persistent.
  • Don't force Feeding.
  • Keep on trying of giving the children a healthy foods.
  • Set a good example in order to encourage them to eat vegetables.


For Spiritual Topics:

Inside of the book also contains a spiritual topics just like this one. This will help us know the Past situations during the old era and can make ourselves know the perfect and teachings of the people from the Great past. Different verses are also written in here and this is one of the most favorite context I always read.

Lifestyle Topics:


Next is the Lifestyle topics. Each of us wants to have a healthy lifestyle and we can achieved and get this of we eat different kinds if healthy foods just like fruits and vegetables. One of the example of the context inside of this book represents the best ways to have a healthy lifestyle. We want to reach our age to 100 and this kind of age is already a gift for ourselves by following the best way to become us always healthy. Under this topic contains this following:

  • Eat healthy foods just like fruits and vegetables.
  • Getting Physical.
  • Know the Family medical History.
  • Thinking positive thoughts and Vibes.

This are the related under this topics and this will be very helpful to us particularly in this kind of our age.

Parenting Guidelines:


Parenting rule and guidelines are very important to us also especially the early teens Parents. Health and Home Books contains of this kind of topics also and it represents on how to have a healthy relationship between the Family Members. Under this topics contains the Following:

  • Values and Models.
  • Social awareness.
  • Loving of Children.
  • The value of Presence.
  • Positive Vibes.

It is really important to us to know and learn on this topic so that we can have some guidelines on what to do to have a healthy relationship between our Family Member.


Health and Home Book was publish year 1997 and there are lots of interesting information and articles we can read inside of the book. I really happy and proud to have this book because it will really applies to myself and having more lofty ideas That I read inside of this Book.


I found old magazine and book have interesting layout. They are neatly arranged too and information packed.

Really? I would love to see my friend. 😊

Nice review 🤗