Start From Zero - Book Review

in Hive Book Club5 months ago


Every time I'm able to add a new collection of books to my shelf, there's this joy that envelopes me and I feel so excited. The smell of the fresh book oozing from the shelf is heavenly. For someone like me who loves reading books, I cannot appreciate enough the value I've gotten from reading books. Like I've already mentioned in my previous reviews, my preference of books or the kind of books I like to read are business books, productivity books, and inspirational and motivational books. These category of books occupy the most space in my bookshelf.

Today, I will be bring to you all an amazing book I just finished reading not too long ago... I bought the book a couple of months ago but decided to read it a few months ago and I have to say, it is incredible the amount of value this book packs. Glad I made the decision to buy the book.


The book I will be giving my own opinion about and what I think of the book is titled "Start From Zero" by Dane Maxwell. This book was exactly what I needed when I wanted to start my own small business.

Like the title says, it's a book that teaches aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs how to build a business from zero into a successful business.

We all know that starting a business can be really daunting especially for someone with no experience in business. The great thing about this book is breaks down the process of starting a business from zero. That's why I'm super glad that I was able to add the book to by collection of books and I've learnt a lot of valuable lessons from it.


For me, Start From Zero by by Dane Maxwell is one of those business books that you always have on your desk when you are about to start that new business as there are a lot of valuable lessons in the book that guides the reader how to start a business even if you don't have any prior knowledge or experience of starting a business.

As I said before, start from zero is one of my best business books out there even though there are many business books that I like as well but this book has a special place because it teaches practical steps and give clear roadmap for success as far as starting a business from zero is concerned.

The key points from the book are as follows:

The first key points from the book teaches what you need and don't need when it comes to starting a new business. These are key fundamentals needed to starting a new business from scratch and be prepared for success.

The second key points in the book teaches the four buildable brains of entrepreneurship. This section for me is super powerful as it shows you the different mindset and brains of entrepreneurship and how you can develop these brains to become an entrepreneur and start your own business.

The third key points in the book teaches the seven buildable skills. This is another of my favorite section of the book as it guide you through the different skills needed when it comes to starting and building a successful business.


Looking at these key points to starting a business from zero and building a successful business, you can already tell why this book is one of my favorite business books. The book goes in-depth and leaves no stone unturned.

In my opinion, learning from the teachings in the book and putting some of them into practice is a big positive for me in my business. While starting and building a successful business is not something that is easy no matter how much book you read, but this book contains valuable lessons to make the process a lot easier.


If I'm to rate this book, I will give it a solid 9/10. This is because of the value the book packs. As far as start a business is concerned, this is a must-read book for new entrepreneurs and business owners. The book also include a number of real world examples to make it easier to visualize how the process works for other businesses... This is something i like a lot.

The book is quite voluminous, with about 293 pages which should take about a week to read at fast pace. For me, this book took about a month to read because I was reading it slowly to understand and also envision how the lessons would work for my own business. Finally for me, I would recommend this book to anyone that is about starting a new business and has no experience or knowledge about business. A super valuable business book I must say!


It's great that you found “Start From Zero” such a valuable guide to entrepreneurship. The way you describe the experience of reading and the smell of new books really conveys that passion for reading. Also, the key points you mention sound super useful, especially for those who are taking their first steps in entrepreneurship. I will definitely take a look at that recommendation.👍

Yea... It a lot more valuable than I thought before I bought it

Self help and business books are always ranking the best because they are indeed helpful. That is a book I know I would like to read too. Awesome review

Yes... business and self help books are two of my top book categories to read.

A guidebook for aspiring entrepreneurs as well as self-development. Great for your review. Happy business! good luck!

The book is really a valuable book for aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs

I'm curious about the premise of this book. Thank you so much for recommending it. I will look for it so I can read it. Cheers!✨

It's a really good and valuable book to read for anyone that wants to start their own business