Book Review: Love in Colour || Reseña del libro: Amor en color [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Book Club3 years ago

Recently I read my first novel of short stories and even though I had certain reservations with the fact that I wanted more out of the stories, I can’t lie and say I didn’t love it.

Last week, I was scrolling around Instagram and I came across this novel and it immediately caught my eyes, I spent hours searching for it and after finding it, I will say that I am glad I did.

As part of the reading challenge by @macchiata, I will be reviewing the novel “love in colour; Mythical Tales From Around the World, Retold” so without further ado, let’s get into it.

Recientemente leí mi primera novela de cuentos y aunque tenía ciertas reservas con el hecho de que quería más de las historias, no puedo mentir y decir que no me encantó.

La semana pasada, estaba navegando por Instagram y me encontré con esta novela y de inmediato me llamó la atención, pasé horas buscándola y después de encontrarla, diré que me alegro de haberlo hecho.

Como parte del desafío de lectura de @macchiata, revisaré la novela “amor en color; Cuentos míticos de todo el mundo, vueltos a contar”, así que sin más preámbulos, entremos en ello.



screenshot from lightreader

Book title: Love in colour; Mythical Tales From Around the World, Retold

Author: Bolu Babalola

Year of production: 2020

Genre: Short stories

Título del libro: amor en color; Cuentos míticos de todo el mundo, vueltos a contar
Autor: Bolu Babalola
Año de producción: 2020
Género: Cuentos cortos



The first thing that caught my eyes with this novel was the cover, personally, I have never seen anything like it and it made me curious enough to not only read the title but go further to wanting to read the book.

Like most reviews I read about this novel before reading it, a lot of people spoke about the cover and it was even tagged as a major reason why this novel was read by a majority of its readers.

Lo primero que me llamó la atención de esta novela fue la portada, en lo personal nunca había visto algo así y me despertó la curiosidad no solo de leer el título sino de ir más allá de querer leer el libro.

Como la mayoría de las reseñas que leí sobre esta novela antes de leerla, mucha gente habló sobre la portada e incluso fue etiquetada como una de las principales razones por las que la mayoría de sus lectores leyeron esta novela.



The novel is a compilation of thirteen short stories about love, like the title love in colour, it shows diversification and the stories largely focus on different myths and folklores from different cultures ranging from the Yoruba's Osun to the Lesothoian's Naleli and much more.

The author “Bolu Babalola” said the reason for this novel was because she “loves love” and also because she wanted to put a bit of a modern spin on these myths and folklores while still showcasing some new tales.

La novela es una compilación de trece historias cortas sobre el amor, como el título amor en color, muestra diversificación y las historias se centran en gran medida en diferentes mitos y folclores de diferentes culturas que van desde el Osun de Yoruba hasta el Naleli de Lesothoian y mucho más.

La autora “Bolu Babalola” dijo que la razón de esta novela era porque ella “ama el amor” y también porque quería darle un toque moderno a estos mitos y folclores al mismo tiempo que mostraba algunos cuentos nuevos.



One major thing I loved about this novel was how descriptive the author was, her words made me feel like I wasn’t just reading a novel but like I was part of it.

The novel felt like it was being told from both the perspectives of the character and the author which brought so much dynamic to it.

With that said, it is important to note that since these were folklores and myths from different cultures, the adaptation or stories might be a hit or miss especially if you know the actual stories, I didn’t for most of them so I enjoyed the retelling but a lot of people felt like she had more misses than hits.

I think the only complaint I will say I had was that some of the stories felt like a bit of a drag and they sometimes lost their essence if that makes sense but other than that, it was a good novel.

Una cosa importante que me encantó de esta novela fue lo descriptiva que era la autora, sus palabras me hicieron sentir que no solo estaba leyendo una novela, sino que formaba parte de ella.

La novela se sentía como si estuviera siendo contada tanto desde la perspectiva del personaje como del autor, lo que le dio mucha dinámica.

Dicho esto, es importante tener en cuenta que, dado que se trataba de folclores y mitos de diferentes culturas, la adaptación o las historias pueden ser impredecibles, especialmente si conoce las historias reales, no las conocía para la mayoría, así que disfruté de la volver a contar, pero mucha gente sintió que tenía más errores que aciertos.

Creo que la única queja que diré que tuve fue que algunas de las historias se sentían un poco pesadas y a veces perdían su esencia si eso tiene sentido, pero aparte de eso, era una buena novela.



Well, there were a bunch of things I enjoyed about this novel like the author's descriptions and the fact that I learned about a few folklores so I will be giving it a 6 just because of those things but I feel like more could have been done to make this novel a bit better in my opinion.

Bueno, hubo un montón de cosas que disfruté de esta novela, como las descripciones del autor y el hecho de que aprendí sobre algunos folclores, así que le daré un 6 solo por esas cosas, pero siento que se podría haber hecho más para hacer esta novela un poco mejor en mi opinión.



I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves short stories and would want to read more novels by Africans since that is one of my goals this year but I will also say that if you are a frequent reader, it might be a bore to you.

Recomendaría esta novela a cualquiera que ame los cuentos y quisiera leer más novelas africanas ya que esa es una de mis metas este año, pero también diré que si eres un lector frecuente, podría ser aburrido para ti.

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LOL we say "Don't judge a book by it's cover" but it's natural. I clicked on this post cause the cover too :-D Is it a Nigerian writer? Maybe I'll try it too...if I can find some time!!!!!

We can't help but judge books by their cover and yes, it is a book by a Nigerian author, British Nigerian.

You should read it, you might enjoy it.

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This one has been sitting in my library for months. I avoid it because I'm not a fan of short stories. I'll pick it up on a boring day though.

😆 I am not a fan either but I have been getting into it and it's not that bad.

Okay then. It does sound plenty interesting but like you said, it might bore me. Perhaps if I'm mighty bored I'll check it out. 😀

Seen through Dreemport ❤️

Maybe if you are you could check it out, I had time on my hand.

Wait, I thought, you can only give up to 5 Star reviews, which one is 6 now, aunty @khaleesii 😏

Speaking of the cover, you made me remember a book, I received on my mail, yesterday, it looks like this
I thought it was the same book though. I wouldn't read this book because of the cover, I wasn't moved by it, like you guys.

For instance, the book cover I showed you above is one in about 4-5 books I received on mail. I am supposed to choose one out of all 5 so I can be given a soft copy when they are released to read. Believe me, I wouldn't choose this book I showed you if I was asked to do it based on the cover.

It's okay that you liked the book regardless of the shortcomings. Thanks for the review.

I'm not rating it based on 5 stars na, it's 1 to 10 ni.

You want to be the type that doesn't judge a book by its cover abi? 😆

Well, I love colours on things so it does help to have a colourful cover.

I enjoy reading reviews like this now I want to read the book, where can I get a copy of the book from?

I download from a website

Just incase you want to get it, they have loads of books.

Thank you so much...

You are welcome

Nice review on your book @khaleesii, I'm pretty much reading my material online now and not too much in the fiction genre, and folklore sort of qualifies as fiction until it's proven true. Some of the posts coming through Dreemport that are fiction I have really enjoyed though.
Most of the fiction posts I have read on Dreemport have been most excellent and very enjoyable to read and you are one of those writers lol!
This post was obtained through Dreemport.

I understand, all through last year I tried not to read fiction but this year I want to read more fictional books.

Since you enjoy fiction on hive maybe you might enjoy more of it outside hive, who knows.

Thank you so much for reading, I am glad you enjoy my writing 😊