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RE: Wiliam Gibson's Neuromancer is a masterpiece of futurism and dramatic action

in Hive Book Club2 months ago

Yes, I've got the other two books ready to go. I really want to finish my re-read of Arhtur C Clarke's Rama series first though, which is oh so many pages (and I may have already started)


Heh if you like hard-boiled scifi... I got something for you to look into. It blends some elements of cyberpunk in there, but overall it's like a galactic space opera about human expansionism written by a former astrophysicist. Pretty dope and there's enough there to keep you occupied for a while:

Sounds cool. I need to make a book wishlist. If only there was some sort of platform for that.

Some of my fav sci-fi was Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica spin off. I really enjoyed its take on the ethics of "synthetic life", exploring post-humanism, and all those linkages back to the underlying philosophical questions of what does it mean to be flesh, etc

That link I shared is a good way to track books imo. I keep a goodreads account just to mark off what I've read and wishlist things I want to read when I have time. You can also make lists and talk to other users to get recommendations. I used to find some really good threads on reddit too which is how I discovered the Revelation Space books. I haven't had much time to read in the last year or so... the DAO work is quite intense, but I have some I want to get to when I have more time.

I was being very sarcastic. :P I suppose I can make an account there. Probably better than scrawling book names on a freshly painted interior wall using conductive paint pens.

Fair enough lol, wasn't sure if goodreads was really popular outside of the U.S. I think amazon bought them out at some point and now all the wishlisting basically links to amazon purchase pages or something. Anyways it works for what it does and that's all that matters to me lol. Happy reading bro! Hopefully you fall in love with Revelation Space like I did... I got into it by reading Chasm City as it's a sort of prequel book with more cyberpunk influence but man that whole series explores a lot of philosophical rabbit holes about futurism and the value of life on a galactic scale etc. Criminally underrated and little known series and I recommend it every chance I get lol!

I'll create a good reads account now, ... now that I've slept on it. :D