Hello to all Hive Book Club subscribers, on behalf of our team we want to thank you for your support to the community, likewise, we seek to encourage participation and interaction within the community, so we want to invite you to join an initiative that you will enjoy participating in.
The objective of this challenge is to answer some simple questions related to your experience as a reader:
What is your favorite time or place to read?
What makes you enjoy a book?
Do you like to read outdoors, before bed or on the bus on your way to work?
Do you focus on character development, thoughtful messages, or the level of intrigue a plot generates in you?
These simple questions may have particular answers depending on each reader's point of view, so take heart and tell us about your experience.
As usual, to keep the contest organized, we will have some simple rules.
Range of 500 words minimum (not including translation).
If you commit plagiarism we will detect it.
To participate publish your post in the Hive Book Club community.
The estimated time for this challenge is from 21 November to 26 november .
Engagement will be a consideration to judge the winner.
To encourage more users to participate, tag two reader friends to join the initiative.
The posts will be reviewed by our team, one by one will be evaluated and after the estimated closing date of the contest, a decision will be made to choose 3 finalists, who will receive:
1st place: 30 Hive
2nd place: 15 Hive
3rd place: 10 Hive
Hive book club is a family in constant growth, we like to know your favorite books and maybe those not so favorite, we also open the doors to all kinds of content related to books; to generate trust and receptivity among users we try to make initiatives and dynamics that promote this fact, so watch out for the weekly chats in the community Book Chat on the Discord server and more challenges like that.
HiveSigner or on Hive Witnesses.Hive Book Club is supported in the OCD Community Incubation Program.If you like what they do for the community,OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness! You can vote for @ocd-witness, with
Thank you for everyone who participate in this contest. We are very happy to receive all the contestant and will soon announce the result, the latest on Tuesday. While waiting for the announcement, please have a look at our biweekly highlight and come join our biweekly book chat over our discord channel.
Have a great weekend everyone!
~ @macchiata, in behalf of Hive Book Club team.
Hello, I am pleased to join this initiative, here I leave my participation. https://ecency.com/hive-180164/@jesuspsoto/all-about-readers-todos-sobre
Me encantó tu post @jesuspsoto, de verdad que disfrutar la lectura es algo tan intimo que llena todo nuestro tiempo psicológico y físico. Meterse en una trama es como traspasar la barrera de tiempo y lugar algo que no es comparable con otra experiencia. Saludos. P.D Aún no estoy en @ecency por o que no pude comentarte en el post.
Hola, amiga. Es como tú dices, es meterse en otra dimensión. Gracias por pasar siempre por mis publicaciones. No necesitas estar en ecency, puedes comentarlo desde hive o peak.
I thank your mother for greatly impacting the reader that you are today. She is indeed a superhero.
Like you rightly stated reading is truly an irreplaceable human experience because its benefits are overwhelmingly positive and reading is life.
Beautiful writeup @jesuspsoto
My mother learned to read after giving birth to 7 boys, after learning she dedicated herself to teaching the grandchildren; she was a great example for us. Thank you for stopping by and reading my work.
She is truly phenomenal.
You are welcome.
Hello, thank you for this initiative, I loved it, it is always good to reflect on reading and what impacts us from it.vHere is my participation.😊
Hola, gracias por esta iniciativa, me encantó siempre es bueno reflexionar sobre la lectura y lo que nos impacta de ella
En efecto, las madres son superhéroes. Es muy bonito ver que muchos de los lectores de hoy en día hemos inculcado la cultura de la lectura a uno de nuestros padres o a ambos. Esta base es tan importante en la vida de un niño en crecimiento.
Me impresiona tanto la forma en que enseñaron a sus hijos la importancia de su tiempo de lectura y aún más impresionante es que hayan crecido respetando continuamente ese tiempo. Es simplemente extraordinario. Realmente he disfrutado leyendo tu post y tu forma de escribir @damarysvibra.
Hope this makes the cut. 😅
That definitely makes the cut! thank you for participating.
A link to my entry
So true, I also prefer reading on my bed as it is an easy passage to dreamland 😂
I definitely share these exact sentiments. When the vocabularies are just too complex, I find that I lose interest slowly.
Your answers were lovely to read @wolfofnostreet.
@chacald.dcymt @mairene1 @annafenix miren
Hola mi querido amigo, gracias por esta invitación. Está bastante interesante este desafío, porque nos hemos dedicado más al proceso de escritura olvidando por un momento que la lectura es quien lo enriquece. Al menos a mí me ha pasado.
Tienes razón, aveces hace falta detenerse y auitoanalizarse sobre nuestro propio proceso de lectura. Éxito amiga, saludos.
Muchas gracias por ka invitación, sí, me encantaría participar.
De nada amiga, éxito.
Here's my entry for the contest Break in without a single knock@regenerette & @maylenasland let's have a try on That girls ;)
Thank You for the invitation. I will be out of town in the next period and, unfortunately I won't have the time to express myself in the deepest possible ways. So, I have to skip this one. Still a challenging and interesting contest topic.
Thank you for your participation. We received so many entries and that's why it's taking time for us to pick the winner.
Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and Daniel Goleman are some of my favourite authors. Their works are just simply amazing and quite frankly practical in their application.
I am impressed with the fact that you conquered the language barrier and you were able to learn from the lives of great authors.
I truly enjoyed how you mirrored a reader's experience to the uniqueness of each reader which brings about learning ultimately.
This is a unique post.
Thank you for sharing @racemlaadhar
Here is my entry:
Same here. Although, I am snuggled on my comfy bed with a soft blanket.
This is the exact reason I got hooked to this book as well.
Awesome post as always @krystalogue
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, @peaq! 🥰
You are welcome, exceptional @krystalogue
Thank you for participating! So many great entries and I am trying to read them one by one 😄 that picture looks like one of the perfect places to read!
Thank you very much! I realy love hammocks and they're great for reading 😅
Do you want to come and play @new.things? Does this interest you @maccazftw?
Here's my entry post for this contest >>> https://ecency.com/hive-180164/@consciouscat/me-the-reader-community-contest
Definitely! I always tell people I am well-traveled through books 😂. The more I read, the more I know about a particular person, thing, place, etc.
Indeed the relationship between characters is also an amazing thrill especially as old bonds are broken or strengthened, new ones are formed, interest-based alliances are introduced, etc.
As always, your entries are beautiful to read @consciouscat
Thank you sweetheart ❤️
You are always welcome love 💛
Thank you for your participation. We received so many entries and that's why it's taking time for us to pick the winner.
I didn't even know they were catholic.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@consciouscat, I sent you an on behalf of @new.things
This is the link to my entry
I cannot even start to list the number of words I have learned from reading. My grammar, sense of humour, use of words, writing technique, etc has greatly improved over time.
I smiled as I read this because I use to crave food a lot while reading. I wasn't sure why until I realized due to the level of mental work my brain was doing, I needed to eat or munch on something to fuel the process.
Great post @coolkris
Esto es tan cierto para mí también. Siento que mi comprensión es limitada cuando no me siento limpia. Es una cosa mental. El estado de mi mente y mi cuerpo tiene que alinearse de manera que se cree un ambiente propicio para la lectura.
Precioso post @nathyortiz
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
Así mismo amiga @peaq es algo que pocos entenderán pero que sentimos nosotras al estar en esa conexión.
De hecho.
Saludos cordiales
Thank you for your participation. We received so many entries and that's why it's taking time for us to pick the winner.
Muchas gracias a ustedes por crear este tipo de iniciativas. Un abrazo @macchiata
Hello! Here's my entry to this cool contest :)
It simply is. I cannot overemphasize the mystery behind reading books. It is life-changing, exposing, and mind-renewing.
And I hope you can cross out reading in a big bookstore cafe and on a cruise ship. I will like to hear the experience of the latter.
Great post @gabmar
I would like to invite @kemmyb @itsostylish to participate in this challenge ;D
I'm definitely in! I accept this challenge! 😃

Oh that looks like fun. I’ll try
Audiobooks are life-savers. With how busy life can be, there are times that I have to meet up with reading targets but it seems almost impossible but audiobooks came to the rescue in those times.
I laughed so hard reading this 😂. This is also what keeps me glued to a book. Once I Can figure the next scenes, it's a wrap for me. My curiosity is killed.
Awesome entry as always @kaerpediem
Thank you for your participation. We received so many entries and that's why it's taking time for us to pick the winner.
Hola aquí les dejo mi primera participación, en esta comunidad.
Mira a quién tenemos aquí? @cochanet 🌹
Efectivamente, tú eres especial. A mí me cuesta leer y entender rápido con el más mínimo ruido. Además, como bien has señalado para tu lectura bíblica el estado del entorno también es clave. Puede influir mucho en tu experiencia de lectura.
Precioso post de la encantadora @cochanet
Muchas gracias amiga por tan grato comentario como siempre, eres un sol. Dios te bendiga🙏🏻🤗🌹
Dios te bendiga también mi amor ❤️
Amén, amén y amén 🙏🏻🤗
Buenas noches amigos aquí dejo el link de mi participación :
Me gustó el punto que planteaste en relación con la comprensión de la mentalidad del autor mientras se absorbe el material. Promueve la verdadera reflexión y una visión más profunda de la intención del autor para el libro y la vida en general.
Precioso post @aglaide
Muchísimas Gracias amiga por visitarme da saludos.
Eres bienvenido
Greetings community! It is a pleasure to participate with you.
Me gusta que para ti la lectura no sea algo tan rígido. Básicamente, te limitas a seguir lo que te funciona en cada momento.
Admiro cómo tu padre ayudó a cultivar el lector que eres hoy.
Además, he disfrutado leyendo tus respuestas..
Precioso post @belkisa758...
Hi! This is my entry :) https://peakd.com/hive-180164/@sofiaquino98/contest-3-all-about-readers-esp-eng
En la escuela, cuando tenía que leer con ruido y distracciones, la música clásica era mi salvadora para bloquear toda la locura y leer mis libros al mismo tiempo. Mucha música clásica tiene naturalmente un efecto calmante y pacífico, por lo que crea un ambiente agradable para la lectura.
Es bueno ver a alguien más que hace esto.
Preciosas respuestas por cierto @sofiaquino98
Aquí mi entrada: https://hive.blog/hive-180164/@giocondina/hive-book-club-contest-3-all-about-readers-esp-ing
Me ha gustado leer sus respuestas a estas preguntas, sobre todo porque ha descrito la lectura como vitaminas para el alma, lo cual es muy cierto.
La lectura alimenta la mente, el alma, el cuerpo y el espíritu, si se me permite añadir.
Buen post @giocondina
My entry to this wonderful contest
Here is a link to my entry into this contest.
You sure did zone out from the whole wedding- physically there but mentally in another world. I am impressed with the fact that you were able to manage your time within that situation as opposed to just sitting and feeling bored. I will keep saying that online/audiobooks are lifesavers 😂.
Intrigue is also something that gets me hooked on stories. I am super curious as to what happens next.
Thanks for sharing your unique perspective through your answers @carlynn
Buenas tardes. Por acá comparto el post de entrada para el concurso. Felicidades para todos los concursantes.
Esto es muy importante. Vivimos en un mundo de medios sociales y si una persona no tiene cuidado, puede tender a perderse en la mezcla de todo ello. Me gusta que hayas dado un paso atrás, especialmente por la razón que has dado.
Debes ser realmente una lectora ávida para leer hasta que tu cuerpo te hable. Eso lo admiro.
Buen post, debo añadir @creacioneslelys.
Greetings friends, I leave my participation here, blessings to all and we continue exploring infinite universes through reading.😄
I will always say this "reading makes people well-traveled through books".
At least, I know I have experienced a lot through reading.
The exposure is on another level.
The way it opens a person's mind and steers one's imaginations to run wild is completely out of this world.
Beautiful post @astrea
Holaaaaa. Me siento muy animada con este concurso. Tomar en cuenta nuestra experiencia como lector me parece fascinante. Es una excelente oportunidad para conocernos, identificar nuestros hábitos y posiblemente tomar tips para mejorarlos. A mí me fascina leer, sin embargo reconozco que he dejado un poco olvidada esta aficción. Extiendo la invitación desde ya a @linita @tuclubhive @maria1835 @nathylieth @kattycrochet
Looking forward to your participation!
Hello there...
Here is mine...
Hey, you have to edit this link. It looks as though it will take someone to my comment...I am not sure, only, I am seeing my name inside the link, I am guessing you copied after responding to my comment or after clicking your notifications button.
You have to copy a fresh link from your browser or edit it, and remove the part with my name starting from the hastag @seesladen
Oh thanks... I am blaming you sha...🙃
Hi! What a nice initiative, this is my entry :)
I like the fact that you have a family of readers from you, your husband, and your son. It is simply one of the best feelings and a bonding moment for you all.
I like to say, we become well-traveled the more we read books. Our imaginations, knowledge, ideas, etc become vast and diverse.
It was a pleasure reading your answers @coquicoin
Books are always necessary in our lives, this is my entry:
I like that your uniqueness even as a child shined forth in choosing to read while others went about doing other things.
I also nibble on a pack of juice and some biscuits while reading. I notice reading makes me have food cravings.
Lovely written post @jenfletcher
Posted mine 😁
Thank you
I like that reading is a whole experience from the soft music playing in the background to the ambiance of the environment which makes you feel like you are truly immersed in the story.
I am also a lover of Shakespeare's works. He is indeed one of the greatest authors ever.
I look forward to your experience reading in the famous Starbucks coffee shop 😃Let me know when you do.
Nice writeup @jane1289.
Here's my participation :)
Thank you and will be reading around! Cheers!
First, I applaud your father for making his lovely girls readers. I like the fact that there are so many facets to you as a person. I particularly enjoy your reading style. I can tell @ifarmgirl is a big lover of books, it's simply impressive.
I love your footnotes as well.
I had fun reading your answers @ifarmgirl
Thank you @peaq. Our father did well in making us learn things early and reading was one of them :) Appreciate your kind remarks and now I am blushing haha
I am happy I could make you blush 😄.
Warmest regards 💛.
I'm join! Here's my entry https://peakd.com/hive-180164/@afripratiwi/oror-community-contest-3-all-about-readers
Why don't we go with doors instead? 😂😅 Don't mind me.
Indeed books open us to a whole new world we never knew existed through these amazing and thrilling stories they share.
Beautifully crafted post @afripratiwi
Hello, I am happy to participate.
Here is my entry https://peakd.com/hive-180164/@kattycrochet/hive-book-club-contest-3-oror-all-about-readers-by-kattycrochet
Me gusta el vínculo que comparten tu padre y tú. Es simplemente raro. Yo también tenía ese vínculo especial con mi padre. Me compraba todos sus periódicos favoritos y me decía que se los leyera. Me pedía que hiciera comentarios sobre ciertos temas interesantes y también compartía sus opiniones. Le echo mucho de menos, ya que está descansando en paz, pero esos momentos los recordaré siempre.
Gracias por compartir un post increíble @kattycrochet
Here is my entry
I admire your reading interests especially in sports and practical life resources.
Indeed, reading about the history of a thing helps educate a person on why things are the way they are currently and informs a person on better decisions that could be taken moving forward.
In the aspect of reading materials that help with day-to-day life situations, this is so crucial as it gives you uncommon wisdom on how to tackle situations that are arising or may arise.
Amazing post, I must add @emeka4
Wow... There are so many beautiful entries, I can't wait to dive in.
Any who, here is my entry: https://peakd.com/hive-180164/@peaq/my-books-and-i-a-glimpse-of-our-relationship-3
Hello! Here's my entry--
Like I always tell people, I am well-traveled through books 😂. A lot of times, people don't understand how much self-help they can get from just giving into reading.
I always find it very commendable when people around us respect certain timings that are important to us.
Beautifully written post @kemmyb
Greetings friend this is my participation in the initiative
I look forward to you climbing the mountains, listening to the birds and truly enjoying nature's blessings while your read. Please let me know how it feels.. I should try it too 😃.
Also focusing on the message of the author is such a key thing in enjoying the whole experience of the book.
Nice writeup @cetb2008
Hello if we are going to see how you feel, thanks for stopping by my blog.
Thank you for your participation. We received so many entries and that's why it's taking time for us to pick the winner.
Hello, thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in the initiative.
You're welcome!
Hello this is my entry 😊
He visto a mi gemelo 😂😅😂. Comparto exactamente estos sentimientos sobre la lectura. Mi estado de ánimo es un determinante muy fuerte en mi camino y opciones de lectura.
Lamento mucho que no puedas explorar la lectura al aire libre por el momento por cuestiones de seguridad. ¿Dónde vives, si no te importa que te pregunte?
Gran post por cierto @irenenavarroart
Muchas grcias por tu comentario, es bueno tener cosas en común
Soy de Venezuela 😊
De verdad, lo es.
Soy Nigeriano 😊
Encantado de conocerte
Just saw this contest 🙂 and decided to join in the fun, here is my entry https://ecency.com/hive-180164/@princessj190/my-entry-into-the-hive
Wow. The passion for reading wins it for me. That's really admirable. As a child, I read my parent's and siblings' books. As I grew older, I started to heavily invest in my own taste of books as I built my own library.
This cracked me up. She says before bed crowd 😅😂. We are actually plenty. Truth be told.
Lovely post @princessj190
I find it beautiful to read in some of the entries how different people got into reading mostly from childhood and the fact we have maintained that reading culture into adulthood is praiseworthy.
🥳🥳🥳for the before bed crowd 😁 we are the best kind of readers.
Truly 😄
Here's my entry break in without a single knock
Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and Daniel Goleman are some of my favourite authors. Their works are just simply amazing and quite frankly practical in their application.
I am impressed with the fact that you conquered the language barrier and you were able to learn from the lives of great authors.
I truly enjoyed how you mirrored a reader's experience to the uniqueness of each reader which brings about learning ultimately.
This is a unique post.
Thank you for sharing @racemlaadhar
Thank you so much @peaq for the lovely 🌹 words
You made my day ☺️
Awwwww, you are most definitely welcome.
Warmest regards 😊
Here is my entry
Thanks to the community for this opportunity, I had fun writing it
Hello, here is my participation in the contest
Me gusta lo aventurero que eres mientras lees sobre todo con la inmersión en los papeles de los personajes. Es sencillamente increíble.
Buen post @majoboa18.
An excellent initiative to learn about our reading habits, excellent idea. Thank you.
Here I share with you my entry.
Debes ser un ávido lector. Dios mío... Yo lo intenté en algún momento y el ruido me molestaba. Era un poco frustrante porque el libro era muy bonito.
Efectivamente, eres un lector minucioso y crítico. Admiro mucho eso ya que es algo en lo que me estoy desarrollando actualmente al leer cierta literatura.
Simplemente impresionante el post de @irvinc
Hello it is always a pleasure to participate in your contest, thank you very much here I leave my publication @hivebookclub
Wow! All I can say is, you are indeed a beautiful writer. Reading your experience with books gave me pure joy. I like that you truly utilize your environment to enjoy yourself while reading as I can see in your reading position in your nation enjoying nature's offer. I hope to experience that soon.
I am also big on nibbling on something while reading especially since I get food cravings.
I like that you listen to your body even while reading, it makes for a better reading experience per time.
Simply exceptional post @soyunasantacruz
My mother laughs when I say that I would like to organize my time better to read more, and tells me you want to read more, if you jokingly take a bath without a book 😂.
I feel joy with comments like yours, so full of love. Thank you. 🌹🤗
You mother is hilarious 😅😅😂
You are highly welcome.
Hello Readers, this is my entry to this contest, please check it out.
Thank you.
I like your collection of books. It's a mix of interesting books. I have read a few. I need to call up my friend to return my "Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman". I have missed her for far too long 😅
And as you rightly put it, what could be more beautiful than leaving your world and being lost in a book, I would say a few other exciting things and it as well.
As always, amazing write up @khaleesii
Hi! =)
Here's my entry:
En absoluto, personalmente me he visto obligado por situaciones de la vida a leer libros en formato blando, pero en realidad los prefiero en papel si tuviera que elegir.
Además, las lecciones aprendidas y su aplicación a nuestro día a día siempre es un plus para los lectores.
Gracias por compartirlo @maryed
Here is my link: https://ecency.com/hive-180164/@iamunyime/hive-book-club-contest-3-f976426eb5a52
Back then in school, I enjoyed reading in the library as it was a quiet and conducive place away from the madness of hostel noise and distractions.
In recent times, I have a home library, but I find myself tilting more towards reading in my room and on my bed especially.
Nice post @iamunyime
Hello, here's my entry https://peakd.com/hive-180164/@ismaelgranados/community-contest-3-todo-sobre-los-lectores-comodidad-y-buena-luz-es-lo-que-mas-necesito-para-leer-un-ibro-esen greetings
I agree that the place of intrigue in a story is what keeps a reader truly hooked to flip more pages.
Also, reading in public is something I do from time to time but it's a bit of a struggle as my locality can be plagued by noise and distraction. However, audiobooks seem to be saving my life when I indulge in outdoor reading.
Great post @ismaelgranados
Oh i have never tried audiobooks, it is something i must live, i've hearing about audiobooks since long time ago, they were very popular at some point. THanks for the comment.
You should give them a try.
You're welcome
Here's my participation
Exploring outdoor reading options is something I struggle with sometimes. Indoor seems to be the most peaceful and calm option right now for me. We have a tree, I should try reading under it on a cool weather day.
Your concentration and focus while reading are quite commendable especially with the analogy of your parents calling out your name and your inability to hear them. I actually laughed at that 😅
This was a beautiful post, I must say @ehizgabriel
My entry to the contest: https://hive.blog/bookclub/@neiraurdaneta/contest-3-all-about-readers-my-way-of-readingmi-forma-de-leer-espeng
Sinceramente, aprender de las experiencias de los demás siempre es útil. Una persona consigue evitar pasar por situaciones o dificultades similares a las que se encontró aquel del que está aprendiendo.
Gracias por compartir @neiraurdaneta
Hello hivers! How are you? This is my first entry here in @hive-180164 Hive Book Club Community.. Hope to be friends with you all :) https://peakd.com/hive-180164/@queenbella29/a-certified-book-worm-community-contest-3
Three happy cheers to a fellow bookworm 😂.It's really admirable that you are. I share in the beauty of reading books. It indeed is a blessing in disguise. People never know how much they lose when they don't read. The true wealth is in reading.
Lovely post @queenbella29
Here is my entry for the contest, I hope you like it, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate.
Me gusta que pienses en ayudar a los demás a través de los conocimientos que has adquirido leyendo libros. Es simplemente admirable @mairene1.