My review of the book (Part II)
- Zev is Hasley's best friend umm at first I liked him a lot, but I didn't like how he treated Hasley just because she got together with Luke.
- In the first chapters Hasley was in love with Mathew the captain of the other soccer team, little by little it shows how she and he get closer until the point where they become boyfriend and girlfriend, one of the things I didn't like is that when he and she became boyfriend and girlfriend Hasley was attracted to Luke, so if she was attracted to him why would she be with Mathew? Well, Mathew's character is just a crush that Hasley had before Luke.
- Honestly the end of the book did not affect me much, since everywhere there are spoilers and well I knew the end before finishing the book.... And it was not at all pleasant I am the kind of person who likes the twists and turns that give a touch of excitement to the book and everyone told the end did not please me, well anyway, even though I already knew the end I kept reading and it is almost impossible not to get sentimental, as the last pages were narrated with a lot of feeling was something sad and emotional.
- To be honest at first I didn't like that ending at all because let's face it it was horrible it didn't have to end like that, I mean both protagonists went through many things and many changes and that it ended like that was bad, but also interesting, it's the kind of twist that adds something that you didn't expect to the book.
- And on the other hand it also shows us how unexpected life can be, the things that happen to us and the reason why. .... To finish this book I liked it, I did not like it very much because it is the kind of story that has very deep thoughts and phrases which gives it a sad touch, despite everything I said it is a nice story if you read well you will realize many things.
- Well this was my review of this book. I'll be posting more reviews of different books!!!!
You can read the book here.