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¡Hola amigos lectores! Hoy quisiera tomar la pregunta de la semana sobre nuestros libros navideños favoritos, pero de una manera diferente. Ya que no tengo un libro favorito de esta época decidí traerles una selección de recomendaciones de libros navideños que leí. Bueno, empecemos.
Hello fellow readers! Today I would like to take the question of the week about our favorite Christmas books, but in a different way. Since I don't have a favorite book from this season I decided to bring you a selection of Christmas book recommendations I read. Well, let's get started.

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Un día de diciembre de la autora Josie Silver
Este libro trata de una historia romántica que comienza un día de diciembre cuando la protagonista se enamora a primera vista de un chico que conoce en un autobús, pero todo queda ahí. Hasta que el próximo año para la misma fecha ella lo vuelve a ver, pero es la pareja de su amiga. Recuerdo que fue un libro de esos que te causan frustración por la situación tan complicada de la protagonista teniendo sentimientos por el novio de su amiga, pero también recuerdo que tuvo un final muy lindo y el conflicto se resuelve de la mejor manera. Quizá no tenga un clima tan navideño, pero se lo recomiendo.
One Day in December by author Josie Silver
This book is about a romantic story that begins one day in December when the protagonist falls in love at first sight with a boy she meets on a bus, but everything stays there. Until the next year for the same date she sees him again, but he is her friend's partner. I remember that it was one of those books that cause you frustration because of the complicated situation of the protagonist having feelings for her friend's boyfriend, but I also remember that it had a very nice ending and the conflict is resolved in the best way. It may not have such a Christmassy atmosphere, but I recommend it.

Un cowboy por Navidad de la autora Tess Curtis
Este libro es bastante corto, menos de 100 páginas, y está muy bien construido. La historia une a dos personas que odian la Navidad por diferentes motivos y deciden pasar las festividades alejados de su familia. La protagonista había alquilado un hotel, pero no llega por una fuerte tormenta de nieve y se tiene que refugiar en la cabaña más cercana donde conocerá a su interés amoroso. Ambos tendrán que convivir unos días hasta que la tormenta de nieve pase y traigan las máquinas para abrir los caminos. En esos días se irán conociendo y adquiriendo la confianza necesaria para confesar todo aquello que los atormenta de estas fechas y nacerá el amor.
Es una historia que lo tiene todo, momentos emotivos, alegres, divertidos y picantes, obvio. Recuerdo que me sorprendió para bien cuando lo leí. Así que está más que recomendado por mi parte.
A cowboy for Christmas by author Tess Curtis
This book is quite short, less than 100 pages, and is very well constructed. The story brings together two people who hate Christmas for different reasons and decide to spend the holidays away from their family. The protagonist had rented a hotel, but it doesn't arrive because of a heavy snowstorm and she has to take shelter in the nearest cabin where she will meet her love interest. Both will have to live together for a few days until the snowstorm passes and the machines are brought to open the roads. In those days they will get to know each other and acquire the necessary confidence to confess everything that torments them at this time of the year and love will be born.
It is a story that has it all, emotional, joyful, funny and spicy moments, obviously. I remember that I was surprised for good when I read it. So it is more than recommended by me.

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Un escaparate navideño de la autora Tessa Bailey
Este libro fue muy popular entre el año pasado y este. La historia comienza con la protagonista intentando insertarse a la sociedad de nuevo tras salir de la cárcel, pero se le dificulta encontrar trabajo por sus antecedentes y, para colmo, tiene una amiga bastante tóxica que la tira para abajo en vez de ayudarla. Aun así la vida le va a dar una segunda oportunidad cuando el dueño de una tienda de marca la escucha decir los cambios que haría en la vidriera de su local, sin saber que se lo estaba contando al dueño. Así que este le ve potencial y la contrata, ahora podrá cumplir su sueño de diseñar vidrieras y ganar seguridad, además de un nuevo amor.
Este libro si tiene un buen clima navideño y la historia es preciosa, aunque un tanto empalagosa por momentos. También es bastante picante. Aunque lo que más me gustó es su mensaje de superación, así que está muy recomendado con justa razón.
Window shopping by author Tessa Bailey
This book was very popular between last year and this one. The story begins with the main character trying to get back into society after being released from prison, but she has a hard time finding a job because of her background and, to make matters worse, she has a very toxic friend who pulls her down instead of helping her. Even so, life is going to give her a second chance when the owner of a brand name store overhears her talking about the changes she would make to the window of his store, without knowing that she was telling the owner. So he sees her potential and hires her, now she will be able to fulfill her dream of designing windows and gain security, as well as a new love.
This book does have a nice Christmas feel to it and the story is beautiful, if a bit cloying at times. It's also quite spicy. What I liked most, though, is its message of self-improvement, so it's highly recommended with good reason.

Bueno amigos, hasta acá mis recomendaciones navideñas. Este mes espero leer algún que otro libro de esta temática para poder ampliar mi catálogo jaja. Espero que les haya gustado y si leyeron alguno de estos o tienen otras recomendaciones que darme estaré encantada de leerlos.
Gracias por llegar hasta acá y apoyar mi contenido.
¡Hasta la próxima!
Well friends, so much for my Christmas recommendations. This month I hope to read some other book of this theme to expand my catalog haha. I hope you liked them and if you read any of these or have other recommendations to give me I'll be happy to read them.
Thanks for making it this far and supporting my content.
See you next time!

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Thanks for the recommendation. Will try to look for an electronic copy. So hard to look for hardcopies these days. Happy holidays !BBH !LOLZ
He goes under cover.
Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of day1001
@erigm, I sent you anThank you very much for stopping by to read and comment. I hope you can get the copies. It is true, also for a cost accessibility issue it is easier to have the digital version.
@day1001 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(16/20)@erigm! to your account on behalf of @day1001.
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Muy buenas sugerencias para leer en Navidad. Gracias por compartir.
Me alegra que te gusten. Son buenas opciones. Saludos 🤗
Will check these out
Great! I hope you like some of them 😊
Of all the books, I think the first one catches my interest the most because of its complicated plot. I'd love to know more about the turn out of the love between the girl and the boy. Lovely recommendations btw. Have a great weekend
Excellent choice, the plot can be a bit frustrating, but it sure gives curiosity and draws attention to know how it will be resolved.
Thanks so much for stopping by, have a great day!
Ay, justo hace unos días estaba pensando que quería descargar algunos libros navideños. Un romance cute en épocas decembrinas. ¡Y tú me has dado tres opciones! Gracias ✨🤍
Me alegra haberte servido de guía. Realmente hay varios de este estilo muy buenos. Ahora estoy leyendo Imperfectas navidades y te puedo decir que está siendo una excelente lectura navideña ✨️
I'm not a fan of Christmas novels like that. Most of the ones I've read always seem to tether around the same plot. These books you've recommended are really nice. Good for you
Yes, they can be repetitive, but entertaining haha. Thanks so much for stopping by to read and comment. Have a nice week
These books are definitely perfect for getting into the holiday spirit. I hope you find more festive reads this month! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! They look interesting!
I'm glad you found them interesting. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week. Cheers!
Thank you for the recommendation.
As I read your review on one day in December, I was already trying to picture how everything played out in the book.
I'll have to look out for this book and read it.
You already kept me in suspense.
I'm glad it caught your attention. I hope you can read it and write your opinion of the book 😊
Muy bonito, gracias por tus recomendaciones.
Gracias a vos por pasar a leer 😊