November Reading List

in Hive Book Club4 years ago
In accordance to my own personal goals reading 100 books a year, this month,I am proposing about four books to read. These books are random selection of something within my interest. To track of what I am reading and truly commit to it, I will be taking 7 days to read the book and write a review about it. If you would like to read these books with me, let me know in the comment section.

November reading list

  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • Objectivism in one lesson: An introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Andrew Bernstein
  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
  • You are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness by Jen Sincero

These books were selected randomly based on my existing e-book folders. I have plenty collections of e-book and some physical copy of classic literature. Hence why, those selection may seem odd. Anyhow, this should be interesting and I hope we can learn something from these books.

Who is Elrondrely?

@elrondrely is an account owned by mac. To not mix up with her personal stories and random thoughts, this account is meant to only share a very tiny slice of her interest in books, tech, linguistic and literature. This account also marks a new beginning for her and her journey. So, hello readers!


100 books a year is a lot. I'd be lucky to get 10 in a year. But I'm trying.

10 books in a year is not a good progress. uhm. well, of course it depends on a certain cituation. if you are reading smth like 'Ulisses' by Joyce... of 'Magus' by Fowles - you may spend a few years for this only one book, hehe :)


'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen is a classics! nice reading.
probably the 2nd one would be an intresting reading too, to know better who is Rand and what is the value of her books. Not sure if reading Ayn Rand's book itself is a good idea, tho.

"books were selected randomly" - are you provoking?.. sounds strange, to give to the random chance power to decide this important question!

ps. 'account owned by mac' - did I understand correctly its macchiata alias?..