A Craving for Reading Books

in Hive Book Club3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, I'm super excited I finally found this community. I hope all of you stay young, stay healthy, yes young...because I feel that way no matter what the actual age I am 😄.

I remember when I was in junior high school, when other girls like to play around, I was happy to had "me time" hunting new manga (Japanese comic) from one bookstore to another after finished classes everyday 😂. Yes I had a lot of mangas and my mom always bargain with me to sell all of my mangas if I didn't listen to her 🤣.

Until my college time I was no longer satisfied with reading manga only, I tried my luck with novel and no regret at all! Started with Harlequin novel that has many romance stories in it but unfortunately there was limited supply and author to be translated to local language back then (I'm living in Jakarta by the way 😊) and I was craving for reading more books then I started to read a suspense yet romance gender books.

Thanks to Sandra Brown, Diana Palmer, Linda Howard and many other authors for their great stories! I read all of their translated books, especially Diana Palmer that has related people in every story, so addicted 😂 it was like I know them personally and be part of their people who lives in the same city instead of just reading.

I also loves historical romance and fantasy dark romance. And today this kind of things are my favorite reading. Sometimes I'm still looking for hardcopy book if I have time but most of the time I read from Kindle. I always thinking that my books are gonna be my greatest legacy 😂.

Here is a sneak peek of my old bookshelf.


Thanks so much everyone for reading my post, have a nice day!
