3 Books I think everybody should read at least once in their life [ENG/ESP]

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I think we all have a series of books that are recurring recommendations when someone asks us for a suggestion because they marked our lives in different ways, so these are 3 books that I think we should all read at least once before we die:

Pride and Prejudice


It is not because it is my favorite book, but trying to be objective it is one of the best books of English literature, at the time it was disruptive because it was written by a woman but today it is still in vogue and has had endless adaptations because the book is very well written. Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth are very interesting and quite complicated characters that represent not only two opposite social classes but also two quite opposite feelings and we can see this very well raised in the development of the novel. For me it is also very interesting how we have a pretty good clue of how life developed in the Georgian era, the fact that women could not inherit or that they must necessarily marry to aspire to more, is a very well covered topic.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


This is one of the first books I read and I always come back to it because of the feelings it causes me, I could assimilate it to the feeling that reading "The Little Prince" causes, it genuinely makes you believe in magic. I think JK Rowling is distinguished by how specific her descriptions are, so add to this the fact that our main characters are experiencing things for the first time is something incredible, you really feel that you are there having these experiences with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Another thing I like is how we are introduced to the idea of good and evil, in a subtle and innocent way with Professor Quirrell and his fondness for the Dark Lord.

How to win friends and influence people


Honestly for some years I refused to read this book because I thought it would be about trickery and I felt there was disloyalty in the whole thing, but a very close friend recommended it to me and I read it and I ended up quite surprised. Since in the advice given we are asked to be quite genuine, and also invites us to make small things in our lives that serve not only to improve as a person but to improve our relationship and even the lives of the people around us, plus they are not things that are difficult to put into practice.

Tell me, have you read any of these books, which books would you include in your top three?




Creo que todos tenemos una serie de libros que son recomendaciones recurrentes cuando alguien nos pide alguna sugerencia ya que marcaron nuestra vida de distintas formas, asi que estos son 3 libros que considero todos debemos leer al menos una vez antes de morir:

Orgullo y prejuicio


No es porque sea mi libro favorito, pero tratando de ser objetiva es uno de los mejores libros de la literatura inglesa, en su momento fue disruptivo por haber sido escrito por una mujer pero hoy día sigue en boga y ha tenido un sin fin de adaptaciones porque el libro esta muy buen escrito. El señor Darcy y Elizabeth son personajes interesantisimos y bastante complicados que representan no solo dos clases sociales opuestas sino también dos sentimientos bastante contrarios y esto lo podemos ver muy bien planteado en el desarrollo de la novela. Para mi tambien es super interesante el como tenemos una pista bastante buena de como se desarrollaba la vida en la epoca georgiana, el hecho de que las mujeres no pudieran heredar o que deberian necesariamente casarse para aspirar a mas, es un topico muy bien abarcado.

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal


Este es uno de los primeros libros que lei y siempre regreso a el por los sentimientos que me causa, podria asimilarlo a la sensacion que causa leer "El Principito", genuinamente te hace creer en la magia. Creo que JK Rowling es distinguida por lo especificas que son sus descripciones, asi que le sumamos a esto el que nuestros protagonistas estén experimentando cosas por primera vez es algo increíble, realmente sientes que estas allí teniendo estas vivencias con Harry, Ron y Hermione. Otra cosa que me gusta es como se nos presenta la idea del bien y del mal, de una manera sutil e inocente con el profesor Quirrell y su afición con el señor Oscuro.

Como hacer amigos e influir en las personas


Honestamente por algunos años me negue a leer este libro porque pense que se trataria de artimañas para engañar y sentia que habia deslealtad en todo el asunto, pero un amigo muy cercano me lo recomendo y lo lei y termine bastante sorprendida. Ya que en los consejos que nos dan se nos pide ser bastante genuinos, y ademas nos invita a hacer pequeños en nuestra vida que sirven no solo para mejorar como persona sino para mejorar nuestra relación e incluso la vida de las personas de nuestro entorno, ademas de que no son cosas que son difíciles de poner en practica.

Cuéntenme ¿ustedes han leído alguno de estos libros?¿Que libros incluirían en su top?

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I'm a simple man. I see Harry Potter, I press like.

Continued reading and indeed How to Win Friends and Influence People is an absolute must read in my book as well.

1 and 3 are really powerful choices, I get why 2 its so lovely to you but I'm not really a big fan of it, I actually read all of them, do you have any top 4 or runners up to propose? I would love to have some after seen some of your favorite books :)

Yup! I'd say "One hundred year of solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez or "In cold blood" by Truman Capote

Done and done, Any other suggenstions? I read 100 years of soledad like 2 decades ago, when I was 8, Truman Capote was actually a result of an old relationship, she kind of force it to me but I loved the book and thank her about it xD

Hahahahaha gotta love the book-lover girlfriends! Hmmmm lemme see: Goethes Faust?

Not so much, that relationship went burst xD and my fiancée and mother of my child (current relationship) had a bigger library than me and I ended up reading a shitton of crime books or diying xD she almost forced me to do so xD

Faust is a classic, read it in my teens, any other recommendation?

Doña Bárbara by Rómulo Gallegos, a Venezuelan classic, and if you already did that one...I'll suggest: Twilight 🙈

Twilight are actually better on english than in spanish, and doña barbara es un clasico universal porfavor, no solo venezolano xD And I readed them all so far, Duck, well im gonna walk away with no recomments :(