Review: The Power of Habit

in Hive Book Club3 years ago


When I was a kid I had the habit of reading a lot. I spent hours with my mom in bookstores and library finding for new stories. But when I grow up, addicted to internet, I stopped to read. But I also knew that it wasn’t good for me, this costed a lot when I was in high school and college. But this year I decided that I have to change and go back with my old and good habit.

I bough some books this year and I really like to have this physically. But since my routine get more complicated because of work, I couldn’t sustain this habit. Carry a book in the bus it’s a challenge for me, so this make the things harder. Different from my cellphone, because I was always scrolling my social media feeds. I don’t have a kindle yet, but I decided to download the app for see if it could be a solution. And fortunately it was.

The second book that I read in my kindle app was The Power of Habit. There’s a lot of things that I want (and need) to change in my life, but everybody knows that it’s not easy change things that comes automatically. But you have to believe in changes. And that’s the key of change a habit: have faith.

This book helped me to understand how my mind works, what rewards that I’m searching for. It’s not a easy thing observe myself, but with the book I started to break some cycles of my routine.

But don’t you think the book is a manual to break habits. The fascinating thing about this book is that you learn about it with real stories, result of a lot of research. In this book you can understand how corporations work (and how they shouldn’t work), about how people get addicted for some things, about how your brain have a special part only for the habits and a lot of amazing curiosities.

Now I made a post-it’s scheme in my door, that everyday that I finish a habit I took a post-it and mark in my week planner. Taking off the post-it is being my biggest reward. And I’m just changing some little things, like stop nail biting (they grew a lot), don’t waste money on unnecessarily things , doing skincare everyday (this one I was already addicted) and meditate at least 5 minutes per day. This little things make us victorious and encourage make bigger changes.

I really recommend this book if you need to increase or exclude some habits. I read in my cellphone everyday in my way to work. It’s a good and easy reading. I hope you like it too!


When I was a kid I had the habit of reading a lot

Why reading is calling as habit? I don't think that reading is habit. It's hobby.

extremely well researched and well written. It reminded me that, as a buddy writer, that if it's worth writing, it's worth writing well.@alineax, I loved this book too. I think it was