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RE: La influencia de Niebla de Miguel de Unamuno ESP/ENG

in Hive Book Club3 years ago

Giving you a tip instead of a vote because I am replenishing my VP for the day. I couldn't resist commenting. Your blog brings me great delight. I once (many years ago) wrote a very long paper on the relationship between Unamuno and Borges. For me, Unamuno is the more affecting writer because he displays such empathy in his work. Borges is brilliant, but a little more clinical in his treatment of the human condition.

I would like to point out that Unamuno is part of a long line of influences in Spanish literature, reaching back to Cervantes. He himself wrote about this--the evolution of the concept of self.

I love your writing style. It is not at all pretentious. You speak to us and your enjoyment of the pieces is evident--contagious. I add that my Spanish (reading comprehension) is adequate, but less than it used to be :) Some skills do diminish with age.

Thanks for a great read and re-introduction to writers that moved me.