Is the grinch actually a sloth?

in SlothBuzz3 months ago

Good evening, buzzers. I had other ideas for this post but wanted a 'sloth grinch' somewhere, so I sent AI to work. Well, it just hasn't captured the image I was hoping for.


I mean, is this even sloth at all? Or was the Grinch actually a sloth all along?

This one at least has some semblance of a sloth, but not so much in the face area!


This one was too cute not to include; I'm not sure if it's a Grinch, a sloth, or a Red Panda.


And here we have the most slothly yet, with an evil grinchy smile. This one is rather creepy-looking, yet it grows on me the more I look at it!


This is, well, no idea? It has green and brown? Still red panda-y... but not any of the above; who knows what it's meant to be? Some hipster sloth grinch?


Meh, back to what I was thinking about in the first place. The dumpster fire of Hive! I mean, what does a witness actually do? Is there any real marketing? Is Hive just a scam?


Meh, I thought I had more to write on the topic. To be honest, I think the dreary, wintry darkness is catching up with me and I'm feeling rather Grinchy of late. Lots of little things niggling away at me; maybe I just need some time to relax and enjoy the festive period without so much going on.

Until next time, Sloth out.