Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Dr. Roger Hodkinson - Spike Proteins, Vaccines, and Informed Consent

in Politics4 years ago

Virology expert Dr. Hodkinson shares his concerns about vaccines being used on children. He gives in depth details about any questions you may have about the coronavirus, and the corresponding vaccine.

Reiner Fuellmich is managing the Tribunals leading up to what he calls The Nuremberg 2.0 Trials. This kind of court would carry a death penalty for those complicit in crimes against humanity for the purpose of medical experimentation. Hitler's SS was tried in this court.

Points Roger Points Out

  • A large concentration of spike proteins found in ovaries
  • Clinical Trials for a vaccine typically go on for 5 years
  • the spike protein is being produce intentionally by the vaccine
  • Placenta and Intestine have a very high potential for male infertility, not just female
  • Significant fertility issues could be considered state sponsored child abuse
  • Vaccination of Children should stop immediately, it is enormously risky
  • alternative treatments with less risk are available
  • 30-50% of people who are vaccinated have blood clots their doctor hasn't diagnosed yet (estimated)
  • There are 2 groups, in MIT, MRNA can become permanent DNA by reverse trangeneration is the topic dividing MIT
  • Any threats must be taken seriously before children are vaccinated
  • endometrium is very fragile, the blood vessels are incredibly thin
  • damage to the endometrium will see increased issues with age
  • the spike protein is attacking the placenta

This news is shocking, viewer discrediting is advised.

Watch the full interview;

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