Global warming, the deterioration of the ozone layer, environmental phenomena that cause drought, among others, are real threats to animal, plant and human life.
Humanity has caused profound damage to the environment in its eagerness for progress, without taking into account the proper measures to ensure a healthy life of the planet.
In that order of ideas Telos blockchain, from the beginning has thought about the problem and has sought solutions, creating many tools that cover the different difficulties and making Telos the first ESG blockchain.

Own image
Dry soil with dead vegetation
We have to do something about it! It is good that ESG standards was developed by the United Nations
What does ESG stand for?
ESG is the acronym for Environment, Society and Governance, the ESG criteria is applied to business, investments and companies to measure the impact on the environment, society and governance, to minimize the risks that affect the real world, businesses and economy.
For example, establishing a noisy factory in a residential area has a negative impact on society, or in the case of an industrial plant that discharges toxic waste into the sea, this type of economic and industrial development affects the environment and society, and governance is applied to ensure transparency in the management of resources and codes of conduct.
In response to the need to provide solutions to ESG issues, Telos has created Dapps that cover important fields, placing it on the #RealWorldReady platform, ready for the real world.
Telos is accessible, equitable and efficient, it is busy solving problems that are stumbling blocks in the work of other blockchains, its work has transformed it into an ESG blockchain.
Let's see how Telos works and performs as an ESG blockchain.
Telos has the lowest energy consumption in the whole blockchain world, the validators of the chain present reports that show the data corresponding to energy consumption and CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) expulsion, this information is verified by the community.
At this point, governance has a fundamental contribution, community members will exercise their right to vote to grant resources for network initiatives to innovate, in order to meet the goal, to make Telos a carbon neutral blockchain.
The projects that are on board Telos such as: SEEDS, LocalScale and Corcocoin demonstrate that Telos is environmentally friendly; however the work does not stop, the purpose is to make Telos carbon neutral, in that task Telos, Telos Foundation and the community are together.
Telos - Meteorological balloons - Environment
Kanda Weather Balloons
The Kanda Weather Balloon program trains African university students as local climate change leaders, collects weather data and develops a community balloon network.
The collected weather data enables planning for drought, floods and storms and is available on a smart contract on the Telos blockchain.
Regenerative Renaissance Seeds
Seeds is the application to implement the ideas shared by the community that integrates it, in order to create new forms of economic system for humanity.
Seeds whose objective is to help local food systems, regeneration of local agriculture, free education, recover contaminated subsoil, reforestation and much more.
Seeds is a currency whose objective is to redistribute riches, directly between taxpayers to regenerative rebirth.
Get seeds
- Buy in the sale of seeds
- Participate in regenerative campaigns such as planting trees
For Telos the community that makes it up is of great importance, the voice of the community is heard through Telos Decide, in all areas of the blockchain.
The Telos Foundation, has an important role in the social aspect, it works for the community and is formed by people who are elected by vote, and serves to support the projects in development.
Below are some of the Dapps that are on board Telos and have a purpose to impact, improve and provide healthy ESG (environment, society and governance) alternatives from the social point.
Brief overviews
New Life: With the help of AI demonstrates the power of designers in their creations. Creativity is developed through the flow of data interconnected with innovators.
Unbiased: It is a Swedish tech startup, which uses AI in the fight against fake news.
Innovations: Data Marketplace + Search Engine + Social Platform.
These innovations are interconnected and work together in solving problems.
HeartChurch: Pioneer in founding the Christian Church community on Blockchain, provides support to people through its community on blockchain and in local communities, through the social program Bread From Heaven which in turn is supported by the creation of the program the HeartChurch mini chicken farms, in Venezuela.
dStor: Scalable storage execution that provides benefits to both users and the node operator.
dStor features
Access to data from anywhere
Fast data delivery
File protection
Maximizes revenue.
Discussions: Tool for building a better future, enables building a global community that rewards content publishing.
Lips: Designed by the community, with the goal of improving women's mental health and financial well-being.
The list of Dapps for social use goes on, but I'll stop here.
Telos governance works with the DPoS (Delegated Stakeholder Testing) protocol. Community members have the power to vote for validators, which they consider to have an interest in supporting Telos' ESG mission; furthermore, the governance level is applied in all areas of Telos network operations.
It should be noted that DPoS is an algorithm intended to solve electricity overspending, protect the community from unwanted regulatory interference and its transactions can be verified by 20% of investors in just seconds.
The DPoS protocol in addition to giving members the power to vote, is present from Telos Works (work proposal for funding) to protocol modifications and governance; using Telos Decide.
With Telos Decide community members vote and make changes in important points of the Telos network, such as: granting funds to community initiatives (through Telos Works), Legislature, modifying the network's economy among others.
In addition, Telos Decide is a tool that is available, in case you want to use it in your own project, there is much more to say about Telos governance, but I will leave it up to here.
The earth is a source of inexhaustible wealth, humanity needs to learn to live in harmony with nature.
Technological, industrial, economic and business progress cannot and should not be stopped, but it is vitally important to make the necessary changes in the model that world society has practiced so far.
Contributing with existing ecological tools and the creation of new forms of development that guarantee environmental solutions to regenerate the planet and build a better world, is the task of Telos and definitely goes ahead in this issue of being ESG, because the earth is and will be our home forever.

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We want to see nature alive with green soil
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If joe biden doesnt choose telos.... hah he better be scared