Art and Creativity: Winter Darkness and Searching for the Creative Spark!

in Creative Coin3 years ago

I used to think of myself as fairly even tempered, no matter the circumstances or what time of the year it might be.

"Beached Beach Monster"

As such, I never counted myself among the unfortunately people who found themselves in the throes of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in the middle of the winter time. After all, I was born and raised in Denmark where wintertime means extensive darkness and very short days from mid-November till mid-February.

However, as I have aged, I seem to be affected more deeply by the dark part of the year than I used to be… at least when it comes to feeling inspired to create.

Recently, we got our first confirmation of acceptance to an ”outside event” where we would go and set up as vendors. Whereas I definitely felt enthusiastic and happy about this news, what felt lacking was my typical injection of inspiration to jump into creative work and start making things I'd want to take to that show.

Granted, the show is not until August... But in the past even the news of a distant potential show has always been enough for me to get the creative juices flowing. This time? Didn't really feel much enthusiasm.


I did go to my workspace and started looking around and I sat down and...

...mostly ended up rearranging some paints and throwing away some things that weren't needed anymore. And then I got up and walked away because I really didn't feel motivated to start work!

Thankfully, I have been in more of a writing mood recently (I was always a more active writer, during the winter months) so even if I didn't feel inspired to start creating, at least I felt enough inspiration to go blog about the experience of not feeling inspired!

It was actually my wife who suggested that it wasn't a case of me having lost my creative spark, but rather a case of us being several months into what has been one of the cloudiest and most ”wintry” winters we've had in many years. On top of which we have just had two consecutive "Covid Years" during which every single event we were slated to attend was canceled.

Realities that conspire to take the wind out of even the most well-intentioned person's creative sails!


I thought about that for a bit, and realized that my workspace — which is typically very well lit with natural light from two sides through large windows — was actually rather dark and unwelcoming; in fact, too dark to work in even during the early afternoon, without extra artificial light.

This all happened a couple of days ago, on a day where it felt like we had 30,000 feet of thick clouds stacked on top of us... and I ultimately overcame my ”momentary blues” by going and mapping out what I felt we needed to bring along to this three day event, and then double checking how much of that was already on hand.

Maybe that sounds a bit trivial and menial but at least it allowed me to make a little forward motion! I'm just going to put my trust in the Universe to bring me more inspired days, as the event draws nearer!

Thanks for stopping by and having a look!

All images are our own, unless otherwise attributed


It may not be like that for everyone, but it affected me more as I aged as well. Sometimes I have gone around and turned on every light in the house to help myself get out of it. Amazingly, that helps some for me.

I have felt so very uninspired recently and cannot figure out why. I believe the light has everything to do with it, although I do not subscribe to SAD... Perhaps, the closer you get, the more excited you will get. I have to admit that I put on extra lights to compensate for the lack of natural sun.

I wish for a little bit of light for you! Is that too much to ask for?

I completely understand - I think it's the covid bullshit that has flattened my desire to create. I am forcing myself to push through it. I have a show in July that I have to make pieces for and I feel like a factory. I can't even really spend time thinking about whether they are "good" or "not" or what - I simply have to do them or I won't. But I don't feel like "art" is going to get us out of this fakery we are in - however the ART PROCESS will - the process of praying to the UNKNOWN source of creativity and asking for answers to come through me - will bring the answers that will be my contribution to humanity - but it is just very hard - and it is Mercury RX as well - so I am just waiting it out - that will be over soon and then I will return to cranking out the work for the show and trying to be helpful to the freedom community.