Were you aware the covid-19 gene therapy vaxx was to sterilize you?

in Dare To Think3 years ago (edited)

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I wonder how many people that injected themselves with the defective gene therapy drug aka covid-19 vaccine knew that the goal of the drug was to sterilise them?

I also wonder if they were aware of the reports that claimed if people die from the vaccine that it just means it's working?

The "experts" said people who report having harmful reactions should just realise that the pain means it's working.

So if the goal of the vaccine is to sterilise humans does that mean it's to stop them from having children or is it supposed to destroy harmful organisms inside them so that they can't spread harmful virus organisms to others that have also been sterilised?

Let's look at the model of the fakebelieve virus organism causing diseases.

There is a nanosized non living organism that floats around in the air and on objects chasing after humans. It is highly intelligent; it can evade human immune systems and inject its super advanced genetic information inside human cells which ends up hijacking ribosomes to produce billions of copies of itself until the cell explodes and releases those billions of exact copies of itself to infect more cells and to fly out of humans to chase after other humans to perform the same replication process.

It's so clever at hiding that even though there are trillions of these nano sized organisms there is not enough to find or isolate in whole form.

It evades all known isolation techniques so the only way to isolate it is to piece together multiple fragments of it and then recreate it in a computer simulation.

Welcome to the fraud!

This idea of mutating highly contagious deadly virus organisms is being used to scare people as there is 0 evidence of them existing in this manner. There are 0 highly contagious deadly mutating virus organisms.

This fraud/hoax is all about population control using psychological and physical abuse to keep the population obeying government guidelines..

It's all fakebelieve nonsense, which has been planned for years, you can read all about it in operation lockstep. All of virology is a scam and virologists are not real scientists as they fail to do proper control experiments or show any evidence of actual virus organisms that cause disease in humans.

Just because illness seems contagious does not mean it is and it definitely does not mean illness is spread by some highly intelligent nano sized non living organisms 🤣🤣

People have been hoodwinked

There is no sars cov-2 virus organism, there are only exosomes which are not virus organisms.. All so called virus organisms are fakebelieve in silico genomes that don't exist in the real world.

The virologists made up a fake model of disease to sell poisonous vaccines and other antiviral drugs.

They did this to go along with the fake model of germ theory of disease where they sell antibiotics to kill off the healthy, healing and self regenerating microbiome.

Germs do not cause disease in the body, germs show up to gobble up gut rot and cell tissue breakdown etc.. Germs exist but the germ theory of disease is wrong and is the reason why people are getting away with murder in the deathhcare industry because of following sadistic germ theory of disease prevention practices.

If you believe people are infected with highly contagious deadly mutating organisms then you are more likely ok with injecting a known engineered neurotoxic substance straight into the person's bloodstream to sterilise them. This idea is pure evil and sadistic.

So many people suffer needlessly because their parents and health advisers indoctrinated them to be scared of germs. This creates a mental illness called germophobia and for their entire life they will live as if they are at war with germs. People will literally go to the doctor every time their body activates their natural healing processes because they believe their body is fighting germs. 🤦‍♂️