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There are no highly contagious deadly mutating virus organisms or any germ pathogens flying around.. The germ theory of disease is wrong and vaccines are poisons.
There has never been a single study to prove a virus organism exists and causes disease.. The virologists have faked the entire model of disease caused by virus organisms to go along with the mental disorder called germophobia that is pushed by the medical establishment to push their fake germ theory of disease so they can sell a pill for every ill and blame a germ for every disease nonsense.
If this bunk theory was true we would all be dead because we are full of billions of germs.
Germs help us stay alive, they dont kill us.
Most of the time the symptoms of sickness that we associate with sickness are actually our natural body functions healing the body from toxicity and oxidative stress.
We cough, sneeze and fever to break down the toxins, collect the toxins and then push the toxins out the body.
Our body healing itself is not some disease caused by a nanosized invisible virus organism.
Virus means poison so a virus organism is a poisoned organism aka poisoned plant or animal.
The medical industry and deathcare system has been twisting words and definitions for many years. They sell you their own poisons called drugs which are not real medicine to keep you sick and dependent. It's a business model...
You can't catch virus organisms off people because there is no virus organism to catch.
Just because something seems contagious does not mean it is and most certainly does not mean a fakebelieve virus organism was the cause.
The isolation process in virology is complete fabrication..
They have never found a virus organism inside a human sample and claim that's because there is not enough virus organism to find in the human body. To get around this they changed the definition of isolation to mean growing virus organisms in cell culture outside of the body using toxic disease monkey kidney cells and blood from a cow fetus. Are you understanding the deception?
They isolate a virus by adding things to a human sample first. They add more living cells that are already poison and toxic and they call this process isolation..
What do witches do to cast spells?
Most people are under a spell and have no idea because they are under a spell.
When we yawn and someone else yawns do you say we caught that yawn off some due to a pathogenic virus organism?
Of course we don't. There are many other biochemical factors that are involved with human to human or even plant to animal influences.
We all understand the feeling of fear, love, anger, happiness and how it can be spread between organisms so why are we limiting disease to being caused by germs and non-existent so called virus organisms?
If you want to understand how epigenetic and BioChemistry works you need to throw the virology books away because virology is nothing more than the study of imaginary make believe things that was brought on by the idea of demon possession theory aka witchcraft.
Here is a fantastic article/interview going over virology delusions.
I agree with this 💯%!!! I would add on the list of detoxifying mecanisms skin break-outs as most poisons toward the end of this detoxification process will come out through our skin pores.
Funny fact: in the U.S. people jokingly say or used to say when I lived there that when someone yawns then everybody else yawns, they would then say that fatigue is contagious🤣🤣🤣 Guess by now Americans have been convinced that it is LOL😂😝😅🙏💞