Are you going to the covid-19 is real and pro vaxxers party today?

in Dare To Think3 years ago (edited)

How many of these people still believe there are virus organisms flying around infecting people?

They keep the fear going and still support the criminal drug companies and most of them still support so called safe and effective vaccines because they still believe
viruses and germs are so deadly and people deserve a safe and effective vaccine to protect them and provide long lasting invincibility from the virus🤣🤣🤣

Apart from all the controlled opposition it sounds like a fun event..

It just boggles my mind that these people still say that there are these highly contagious virus organisms and deadly germs out there causing suffering and death, then host and encourage people to go to these events where they supposedly can catch these highly contagious deadly virus organisms.

If they truly believed in virus organisms and germs that caused disease then they are putting themselves and everyone at risk by hosting these events.

You should not say there are these terrible diseases caused by mutating highly contagious germs and viruses that can spread through large crowds and events and then go and host your own large crowded event, surely?

I know their retarded answer will be.

Oh well, people have a choice to put themselves at risk of catching a germ based disease.

Or, people can get vaccinated against the germ and be fully protected

Or, they will say people have already caught the germ and now they're naturally immune from it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

How would you defeat the mandates then?

By simply saying no to them.....🤦‍♂️

Mandates are not laws and even if it was or they claim it is then it's an unlawful law and goes against human rights and right to bodily integrity.

People should be quitting their jobs if someone is demanding they inject themselves with a known biological weapon or people that work there should hold those people accountable that are pushing the BioWeapon on them by exposing them as biological terrorists.

There is plenty of evidence that these injections have nothing to do with protecting people from anything especially from a non existent fakebelieve virus organism.

How do you stop the mandates? You simply say no to them always and then you hold those accountable who are claiming covid-19 is real and that vaccines are safe and effective.

You don't go to a party with speakers that are going to try their hardest to confuse you by claiming the virus organism is real and that the government needs to make sure all vaccines are safe and effective at providing immunity to the highly contagious deadly mutating virus organisms flying around everyone.

There is no covid-19 disease caused by SARS cov 2 because there is no sars cov 2 outside of people's imaginations and computer simulations.

Maybe get speakers there that don't spread fear and don't take money from the same criminal drug companies that are lobbying the government to mandate the BioWeapon on people.🤔🤦‍♂️

Whoever organized and booked these controlled opposition leaders to speak is a derbrain retard.

The only good from this is if they continue to expose themselves as the fraudsters that they are..

Most of these people know damn well there is no covid-19 virus organism out there killing people but they use that narrative to push their own agenda instead of telling the truth.

When enough people simply say no and stop going along to get along things change.

So be the change you want to see in the world and then walla there it is you just changed the world.

If you keep following unjust laws, rules, orders, mandates then that's the world you create.