A long but long time ago the father creator God of the whole universe fixed his eyes on a tiny planet, it caught his attention because it was multicolored; blue, green, gray, yellow, red ... very different from the others, he asked other deities about it, because God no longer remembered that it had been his creation, that he had populated it with multiple species and as was his custom and will, he had put in it the man who was created in his image and likeness. Because to every planet of the universe with life the creator always endows it with a species similar to him or to the deities that accompany him. The mission of this species is always the same; to keep the balance, to protect its creation, its animals, plants and resources.
God saw that men lived in harmony with the rest of the living beings, nature provided them with what they needed, although if they were compared with other worlds, their existence was precarious and primitive. God after a long discussion with his other gods collaborators about the need to give some gifts to man, decided to send to earth two of his granddaughters to accompany man in his new stage, to "Veti" he gave the task of teaching science to man to master fire, use the wheel, utensils, in order to give the first knowledge to the human that would facilitate life. "Edos" his eldest granddaughter to guide man with humility and justice and not to abuse the power that knowledge would give him. Finally, he designated "Hybris" his youngest granddaughter to accompany them and learn from her sisters, because God wanted her to control her arrogance and impulsivity.
The first to start her work was "Veti" and she did it very well, men learned quickly and in a short time the knowledge changed the existence of humans, she distinguished herself from the rest of the species, but "Edos" granted her gifts to men and avoided breaking the balance based on justice and humility. "Hybris" who closely observed her old sisters, arrogance being her main weapon began to influence the minds of young men, who identified with her because of her energy and youth. Thanks to the experience that communicated with "Veti" and "Edos", they discovered the ruse of "Hybris" and put her in evidence before the men, a diatribe was generated between the young men who argued that if they had the knowledge, they were a superior species, they should dominate the rest, decide on their destiny and the men who had the gift of humility and justice, these had not allowed "Hybris" to infect them with arrogance. Thus since the dawn of time, one of the oldest battles of mankind began, "Veti" has not stopped giving the gift of knowledge to men, "Edos" sometimes spreads humility and justice to some humans, but the eternal youth "Hybris" seems to gain more and more followers, making men more arrogant and irrational, while the beautiful planet where God laid his eyes at the beginning of time, slowly loses its beautiful colors.
Translation made through https://www.deepl.com/es/translator. / Traducción realizada a través de https://www.deepl.com/es/translator.
Pictures taken with my Samsung galaxy young phone / Fotografias tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung galaxy young
Everything I public in my posts is of my authorship, if another author or person is quoted or referred to, the source is indicated. /
Todo lo que publico es de mi autoría, si se cita o hace referencia a otro autor o persona se indica la fuente.
Que manera más exacta de describir una situación tan real y humana. Es cierto que el conocimiento es esencial, para el desarrollo de la humanidad y que mientras más sabiduría tengas mejor puedes entender los problemas y fenómenos que ocurren y buscar soluciones en beneficios de todos. Pero si es bueno tener conocimientos, es mejor acompañarlo con la humildad necesaria porque esta no te quita ningún mérito, todo lo contrario. Pienso que mientras más humilde es la persona inteligente más grande es su figura. La arrogancia es un mal que se apodera de muchas personas y que desafortunadamente cada vez aparecen más en nuestras filas. Lo bueno es que la educación puede ayudar a combatir este fenómeno que nos afecta, sobre todo a los que tienen menos experiencias o menos años de vida. Gracias por el cuento y las enseñanzas. Salud y saludos.
Muchas gracias por dedicar su tiempo a leer mi post y por su comentario tan acertado y motivante. Es triste ver a políticos y hombres poderosos, manifestar que el daño al planeta es mentira, son tan arrogantes que piensan que pueden doblegar a la naturaleza. Pero como usted muy bien lo dice se olvidan que la humildad los pudieran hacer más grande. Saludos y Bendiciones.
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Gracias por el aporte, la invitación es a seguir cultivando la humildad.
Asi es. Gracias por leer y comentar. Saludos
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