[ES/EN]Carta de un Suicida. ☠️ Letter from a Suicide.

in Literatos3 years ago (edited)
Hola grupo, deseando que todos se encuentren bien, después de un largo tiempo sin estar presente con alguna de mis publicaciones, hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes una epístola que circuló por allá en los 80"S entre mis amigas para ese entonces, la encontré en cosas que uno guarda por tiempo y quedan en el olvido. Es una carta ficticia, es solo para entretener. Dice así:

Carta de un suicida...


Junto al cadáver de un suicida se encontró una carta dirigida al juez en los siguientes términos.

No se culpe a nadie de mi muerte. Me quité la vida porque en dos días que viviera no sabría quién soy.

Verá usted Sr. Juez. Tuve la desgracia de casarme con una viuda. Esta tenía una hija y de haberlo sabido no lo hubiera hecho. Mi padre era viudo, se enamoró y se casó con la hija de mi mujer. De manera que mi esposa era suegra de su suegro. Su hijastra se convirtió en mi madre y al mismo tiempo mi padre era mi yerno. Al poco tiempo mi madrastra tuvo un varón, que da mi hermano, pero era nieto de mi mujer de manera que yo era abuelo de mi hermano.

Con el correr del tiempo, mi mujer trajo al mundo un varón que como hermano de mi madre era cuñado de mi padre y tío de su hijo. Mi madre era suegra de su propio hijo. Yo soy, en cambio, padre de mi madre y mi mujer es mi hija. Mi madre y mis hijos son cuñados. Mi mujer es mi abuela, ya que es madre de mi madre y además yo soy mi propio abuelo.

Ya sabe Sr. Juez ... Me despido del mundo porque no sé quién soy.


Hello group, wishing everyone is well, after a long time without being present with any of my publications, today I come to share with you an epistle that circulated back in the 80's among my friends at that time, I found it in things that one saves for time and are forgotten. It is a fictitious letter, it is only for entertainment. It reads like this:

Letter from a suicide…


Along with the corpse of a suicide, a letter was found addressed to the judge in the following terms.
Don't blame anyone for my death. I took my own life because in two days that I lived I would not know who I am.

You will see Mr. Judge.I had the misfortune to marry a widow. This one had a daughter and if she had known, she would not have done it. My father was a widower, he fell in love and married my wife's daughter. So my wife was the mother-in-law of her father-in-law. His stepdaughter became my mother and at the same time my father was my son-in-law. Shortly after, my stepmother had a son, who gives birth to my brother, but he was my wife's grandson so I was my brother's grandfather.

Over time, my wife brought into the world a man who, as my mother's brother, was my father's brother-in-law and his son's uncle. My mother was the mother-in-law of her own son. I am, instead, my mother's father and my wife is my daughter. My mother and children are brothers-in-law. My wife is my grandmother, since she is my mother's mother and I am also my own grandfather.

You know Mr. Judge... I say goodbye to the world because I don't know who I am.

-Imágenes sacadas de: https://pixabay.com/es/
-pics taken from: https://pixabay.com/es/