in Literatos3 years ago


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Las noches en la orilla.
Con los pies húmedos de sal.
Raídas las ropa y costumbres.
Fue bueno intentar la huida.
Al menos amarnos era ser uno.
Desparramados cientos de estillas,
pedazos de vela.
Algún lejano graznido de gaviotas.
Ese olor inconfundible del salitre.
Difícil reencontrarnos,
más en la noche,
pese a los gritos inciertos,
a la carne magullada de rostro
y piernas.
Éramos solo dos
escapando de la ciudad
a toda prisa.
Como si en ello se nos fuera la vida.

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Nights on the shore.
With feet wet with salt.
Ragged clothes and habits.
It was good to try to escape.
At least to love each other was to be one.
Scattered hundreds of splinters,
pieces of sail.
Some distant squawk of seagulls.
That unmistakable smell of saltpeter.
Difficult to find each other again,
even more so at night,
despite the uncertain cries,
the bruised flesh of face
and legs.
We were only two
escaping from the city
in a hurry.
As if our lives were at stake.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)