El Medico (The doctor)

in Literatos3 years ago

Bienvenidos mi gente hermosa de Hive, estaba tranquilamente en mi casa, y recordé que hoy es el día del medico, soy un estudiante de medicina y ya se lo que es sentir la experiencia de un medico, además de convivir con un medico toda mi vida el cual tengo el orgullo de decir que es mi padre

Welcome my beautiful people from Hive, I was calmly at home, and I remembered that today is the day of the doctor, I am a medical student and I already know what it is to feel the experience of a doctor, in addition to living with a doctor all my life which I am proud to say is my father

Elabore este poema inspirado en lo poco que he vivido en el mundo de la medicina, cabe destacar que se lee en prosa en español, igual dejo la traducción al ingles

I elaborated this poem inspired by how little I have lived in the world of medicine, it should be noted that it is read in prose in Spanish, I also leave the English translation



Una vez le pregunté a mi padre que se sentía ser medico, solo escuche un silencio, vi una sonrisa en su rostro y deduje que seria algo hermoso

Pero con el tiempo entendí que ser medico es pasar noches y días sin dormir, es olvidar y tener que rememorar hasta la saciedad, es estar siempre disponible para los demás, es preguntarse si estoy capacitado para tal responsabilidad

Es entender que para la sociedad estas ubicado en un eslabón aparte, en donde es tan irónico pues te evalúan pacientes que no saben definir lo que sienten, en donde hay que saberlo todo, cargar con una mochila en los hombros, decir que somos humanos y también tenemos derecho a equivocarnos

Es observar como una persona fallece y otra nace en un mismo instante
Es pensar en que pudiste hacer algo mas por aquella persona que ya no esta
Es conocer que no todo paciente se podrá curar pues hay cosas que son inciertas para la medicina lamentablemente es la verdad
Es vivir mas de 24 horas en un hospital, con ojeras en los ojos, con dolor en los hombros, extenuado y cansado pero satisfecho pues hago lo que amo

Pero saben algo, al final del día se siente una satisfacción espectacular, ayudar a los demás, enseñar a los que sueñan con un día estar en tu lugar, tener una familia mas dentro del hospital, saber que mientras mas sabes menos sabes, cumplir con la promesa de luchar por salvar solo una vida mas, prevenir la enfermedad y al final decir que portar una bata blanca, significa mas que pertenecer a un estrato social

Ahora entiendo el silencio de mi viejo, la sonrisa que plasmaba, eran cosas que con palabras no se explicaba


Once I asked my father what it felt like to be doctor, I just listened to a silence, I saw a smile on his face and I deduced that it would be something beautiful

But over time I understood that being a doctor is spending nights and days without sleep, it is forgetting and having to remember ad nauseam, it is always being available to others, it is asking yourself if I am qualified for such responsibility.

It is to understand that for society you are located in a separate link, where it is so ironic because you are evaluated by patients who do not know how to define what they feel, where you have to know everything, carry a backpack on your shoulders, say that we are human and we also have the right to make mistakes

It is to observe how one person dies and another is born at the same moment
It is to think that you could do something more for that person who is no longer
It is knowing that not every patient can be cured because there are things that are uncertain for medicine, unfortunately it is the truth
It is living more than 24 hours in a hospital, with dark circles in the eyes, with pain in the shoulders, exhausted and tired but satisfied because I do what I love

But you know something, at the end of the day you feel a spectacular satisfaction, help others, teach those who dream of one day being in your place, having one more family in the hospital, knowing that the more you know the less you know, comply with the promise to fight to save just one more life, prevent disease and in the end say that wearing a white coat means more than belonging to a social stratum

Now I understand the silence of my old man, the smile that he captured, they were things that could not be explained with words

Sin mas nada que agregar a sido un placer compartir este poema con ustedes

With nothing else to add, it has been a pleasure to share this poem with you.


Excelente! Me gustó mucho amigo

Gracia Desiré 🙈