Para Servir Basta con Mirar Dentro | To Serve Just Look Inside

in Literatos2 years ago


Buenas tardes Hivers, es una alegría poder compartir este escrito con ustedes.

Good afternoon Hivers, it is a joy to be able to share this writing with you.


A ella, o quizás a mí. A la que tiene prisa persiguiendo metas que no conoce. A la que se le para el tiempo cuando ve su reflejo en otras personas, cuando se reconoce en ellas y al mismo tiempo cuando no. De esa persona vislumbro una parte, su sombra.
Dos personas en una. Paradójicamente, aprecia cuando la vida pasa lentamente, o más bien cuando permite que pase.
Con el paso del tiempo he aprendido a convivir con ella, podría pensar que he empezado a apreciarla. Le doy mi espacio y le permito ir o venir.
A ella, o quizás a mí.

Espero que lo disfruten

To her, or perhaps to me. To the one who is in a hurry chasing after goals she doesn't know. To the one whose time stands still when she sees her reflection in other people, when she recognises herself in them and at the same time when she does not. Of that person I glimpse a part, her shadow.
Two people in one. Paradoxically, she appreciates when life passes slowly, or rather when she allows it to happen.
With the passage of time I have learned to live with her, I could think that I have begun to appreciate her. I give her my space and allow her to come or go.
To her, or perhaps to me.

I hope you enjoy it


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