Friends today I bring you a beautiful poetry dedicated to my beloved, I hope you feel in my words the love you feel for someone unconditional in this life.

El amor tiene tu cara pintada con suaves pinceles en un lienzo de lino ...
Lino que no se rompe no se estira, no se modifica...
Lino que solo existe si estamos los dos juntos...
Solo si el aire rompe las lagrimas de nuestros altos y bajos,
Solo si el agua nos lava la cara , nos limpia,
Y solo si el agua se calma...
Solo si el polvo de roca nos ayuda a formar ese muro duro que con sus paredes Contiene todo este loco amor que no se desborda por que se auto consume.... mi Amada he visto la cara del amor y he logrado ver sus ojos...
He besado su aliento, y lo conozco es real eres tu.
Att yo ...
Love has your face painted with soft brushes on a linen canvas ...
Linen that doesn't break, doesn't stretch, doesn't change...
Linen that only exists if we are both together...
Only if the air breaks the tears of our highs and our lows,
Only if the water washes our faces, cleanses us,
And only if the water calms...
Only if the rock dust helps us to form that hard wall that with its walls Contains all this crazy love that does not overflow because it is self consuming.... my Beloved I have seen the face of love and I have managed to see his eyes....
I've kissed its breath, and I know it's real it's you.
Att me ...
Congratulations @jesusbarrios1304!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz: