(ESP-ENG)nuevo año 2022 como afrontar las nuevas metas - new year 2022 how to face the new goals

in Literatos3 years ago (edited)

Hola comunidad, estamos entrando a un nuevo año y he pensado que debemos verlo como una nueva oportunidad, para afrontar nuevos retos, dejando atrás los temores y prejuicios que nos impiden realizar lo que nos proponemos.!

Hello community, we are entering a new year and I have thought that we should see it as a new opportunity, to face new challenges, ** leaving behind the fears and prejudices that prevent us from doing what we propose.! **


Quisiera comentarles algunas cosas que me han ayudado a superar el miedo de empezar a luchar por nuevas metas y sueños, el plantearnos metas nos hace crecer como personas y superarnos cada día mas.

**I would like to tell you some things that have helped me overcome the fear of starting to fight for new goals and dreams, setting goals makes us grow as people and improve ourselves every day.

Crecí muchas veces escuchando el "tu no vas a poder, no sabes hacer nada", tal vez a raíz de eso durante años me domino el temor en muchas areas de mi vida a muy temprana edad, aunque me costo poder dejar eso atrás pienso que lo logre, el temor nunca terminara de irse, siempre estará presente, como dice Rocky te ayuda a mantenerte atento, pero hay que saber controlarlo para que el no te controle a ti, poco a poco uno debe ir dejando las inseguridades atrás y dándole paso a la valentía para darse cuenta que eso que decían que "no podía" no era cierto, hoy puedo decir que he logrado muchas cosas con esfuerzo, teniendo la plena confianza que Dios esta a mi lado

I grew up many times listening to "you're not going to be able, you don't know how to do anything", perhaps as a result of that for years I was dominated by fear in many areas of my life at a very early age, although it was difficult for me to leave that behind I think that I succeeded, the fear will never finish leaving, it will always be present, as Rocky says it helps you to stay alert, ** but you have to know how to control it so that he does not control you **, little by little one should leave the insecurities back and giving way to ** courage ** to realize that what they said that "I could not" was not true, today I can say that I have achieved many things with effort, ** having full confidence that God is by my side **

Hay infinidades de veces que nos cohibimos de hacer las cosas que nos apasionan y los objetivos que nos planteamos por el simple hecho de darle importancia al que dirán, recuerda esta gran verdad; la mayoría de las personas te quieren ver bien, pero nunca mejor que ellos, tenemos que estar atentos para diferenciar cuales son esas personas que son sinceras y quieren verte cumplir todas tus metas, hay muchas que tienen un disfraz y desean verte quedarte estancado; Es cierto! aceptar criticas nos ayuda a realizar las cosas de mejor manera, pero siempre y cuando sean constructivas, una critica constructiva es aquella que te da solución a lo que estas haciendo mal, y resalta lo que estas haciendo bien, dicha de manera agradable.

There are infinities of times that we shy away from doing the things that we ** are passionate about ** and the objectives that we set ourselves for the simple fact of giving importance to what they will say, remember this great truth; Most of the people want to see you well, but never better than them, we have to be careful to differentiate which are those people who are sincere and want to see you fulfill all your goals, there are many who have a disguise and want to see you get stuck; It's true! Accepting criticism helps us to do things in a better way, but as long as they are constructive, a constructive criticism is one that gives you a solution to what you are doing wrong, and highlights what you are doing well, said in a pleasant way.

Tener identidad, Somos uni@s, hay miles de millones de personas en el planeta y ninguna es como tu, utiliza eso a tu favor resalta tu personalidad, eso te ayudara mucho a lograr lo que te propones, y a identificar con claridad cuales son los objetivos que quieres plantearte, el tratar de imitar solo te hará una copia barata, es mas, para que imitar si tienes todo para triunfar?.

** Have an identity **, We are uni @ s, there are billions of people on the planet and none is like you, use that to your advantage, highlight your personality, that will help you a lot to achieve what you propose, and to identify with Clearly what are the objectives you want to set yourself, trying to imitate will only make you a cheap copy, what's more, why imitate if you have everything to succeed?

Se que el tiempo muchas veces parece corto, pero hay que tener paciencia, y no desistir nunca, el no culminar lo que empezamos nos hace mediocres, nunca es tarde para empezar a luchar por tus sueños y metas, y recuerda es mejor morir intentándolo que nunca haberlo intentado****.


I know that time often seems short, but you have to have ** patience **, and never give up, not finishing what we started makes us mediocre, it is never too late to start fighting for your dreams and goals, ** and remember it is better to die trying than never to have tried ****. **