—No juegues. Es curioso que justo cerca o en la carótida. ¿Una serpiente tal vez? –Pensó en voz alta el alguacil.
—No soy experto en conducta animal empero, he oído que los vampiros pueden detectar los latidos del corazón y que poseen habilidad para atacar en puntos tácticos. –Vaciló conservando la duda.
—Pues lava esos oídos tuyos y deja de creer lo primero que oyes. –Espetó soberbio el subordinante.
Ésa noche de las 23:30 ya en el sitio buscando con la vista, el alguacil Belisario notó entre el ramaje a su derecha brillar con la luz de la luna llena un pequeño frasco, posiblemente era el de la cicuta que para cuando intento ponerlo en la bolsa para evidencias se desvaneció en sus manos dejando en la palma de su mano una letra dibujada como trazada con carbón y precisión simétrica de un dibujante obsesivo.
Tenia todos los sinónimos de extraño, todo eso... Belisario continuó aún con mas dudas hacia la estación de combustible mas cercana para llenar el tanque de gasolina y retomar su trabajo con mas incógnitas.
Condesa Vampiria Von Hansen siempre ha dado lugar al mito que mas acecha al Pueblo del Valle inyectando sus colmillos y extrayendo la sangre humana de los soberbios, deshonestos o quien sencillamente con ella se encuentra en su emboscada».
—Mientras nadie está,
otra trampa hay hecha ya!.
—Contigo lo mismo pasará!.
—Tu soberbia y deshonestidad te acabarán.
—Robaré sus almas para llevarmelas allende.
";...;" [ENG] ";...;"
—Don't play games. It's funny that right near or in the carotid. A snake maybe? -The sheriff thought aloud.
—I'm no expert on animal behavior, but I've heard that vampires can detect heartbeats and have the ability to strike at tactical points. -He hesitated, still in doubt.
—Well, wash those ears of yours and stop believing the first thing you hear. -The subordinate spat haughtily.
The sheriff was left in doubt about that strange event, he walked without direction while thinking and analyzing. In search of a clue, he went out to get some air in his patrol car, this time without a co-pilot. He strolled through the city wasting the fuel stipulated for his unit until he made a decision about the idea that had been fluttering in his mind for some time: Go to the scene and try to recreate the situation to see what he could find. But that night at 11:30 p.m., already at the site, Sheriff Belisario noticed among the branches to his right a small flask shining in the light of the full moon, possibly the hemlock that when he tried to put it in the evidence bag vanished in his hands leaving in the palm of his hand a letter drawn as if traced with charcoal and symmetrical precision of an obsessive draftsman. It had all the synonyms of strange, all that? Belisario continued with even more doubts towards the nearest fuel station to fill the gas tank and resume his work with more unknowns.
Abominable creatures that hide in the most remote and gloomy hideouts of the small town generating an air difficult to breathe, a gray and attenuating climate in days of full moon.
Countess Vampiria Von Hansen has always given rise to the myth that most stalks the people of the Valley, injecting her fangs and extracting human blood from the proud, dishonest or those who are simply ambushed by her».
—What do you think about that, sir?
—People don't know what to do anymore to get money from those internet machines and all that, it's absurd. I'm leaving, I have to attend Hernandez wake.
The wake was very nice and all, but Belisario was still stunned, he looked like an automaton. He thought of the loneliness that his ex-partner's wife would feel as Belisario felt after his wife left him for cheating. None of it made any sense and he decided to find some sense by turning towards the place of the first murder. Dozens of questions tormented him like vicious bats.
The night that so quickly colored the sky blue-black that day in the forest gave off an impending gale uncommon for that ancient place.
Therefore with distracted questions among each other, the sheriff spotted at the end of a mocking tree some apparent cat's eyes which induced him to go after them which the nearer he came to the eyes, the more the eyes diminished the intensity of their light. But the brave man with gun in hand and flashlight in the other went on; he demanded that whoever was there come out immediately. But whoever it was did not even flinch.
A stumble caused him to fall to the ground, losing his light and his gun. And everything became dark. The eyes were gone, not even the remotest indication that there was something or someone.
Desperately groping around, he managed to find his gun and the broken flashlight. He tried to return to his car in the dark and began to hear whispers, they seemed to come from any direction.
— I kill them! I make someone give hemlock to man, to distract and kill;
—While no one is,
another trap is already made.
—With you the same thing will happen.
—Your pride and dishonesty will finish you.
—I will steal their souls to take them «allende».
La soberbia es una discapacidad que afecta a pobres miserables que se encuentran de golpe con una pequeña cuota de poder.
Pride is a disability that affects poor wretches who suddenly find themselves with a small share of power.
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