[Esp-Eng] No mires atrás. / Do not look back.

in Literatos2 years ago (edited)

No mires atrás.

Do not look back.

Escrito.Secreto ©

Hoy me digo creo en mí y eso me da aliento y fuerza, solo le pido a la vida una oportunidad para triunfar

Today I tell myself I believe in myself and that gives me encouragement and strength, I only ask life for an opportunity to succeed

Si te cuento, he nacido en un mundo fatal, en el que no quiero mirar hacia atrás

If I tell you, I was born in a fatal world, in which I don't want to look back

No quiero perder el tiempo, quiero vivir libre sin fatigas y poder disfrutar

I don't want to waste time, I want to live free without fatigue and be able to enjoy

Me he propuesto conseguir ese sueño y me jure nunca más rendirme

I have set out to achieve that dream and I swore never to give up again

Hoy tengo la certeza de que lo voy a lograr y luchare, no perderé la cabeza

Today I am certain that I am going to achieve it and I will fight, I will not lose my head

Tal vez enloquezca pero es un riesgo que debo hacer por ganar

Maybe I'll go crazy but it's a risk I have to take to win.

Es un trato que hecho con la vida misma y es uno que debo pagar para triunfar

It is a deal that I made with life itself and it is one that I must pay to succeed.

En este mundo fatal que consume lentamente tu vida sin piedad he decidido renacer como una flor desde lo profundo de la tierra

In this fatal world that slowly consumes your life without mercy, I have decided to be reborn as a flower from the depths of the earth.

En el camino de la vida, sientes frio, pero frio del que quema y te deja sin aliento

On the path of life, you feel cold, but cold from the one that burns and leaves you breathless

Llega un punto en que me arrodillo y le grito tan solo sáname y déjame triunfar

There comes a point where I get down on my knees and yell at him just heal me and let me succeed

Con el paso de los años y de tanto llorar y esperar, se va sanando esa herida abierta y la luz va guiando tu camino hasta triunfar

Over the years and with so much crying and waiting, that open wound heals and the light guides your path until you succeed.

Llegas a un punto en el que ya el frio no te quema y el sol te ilumina y te da vida

You reach a point where the cold no longer burns you and the sun illuminates you and gives you life.

Eso significa que has sanado, has triunfado y ya es hora de seguir y no mirar atrás.

That means that you have healed, you have triumphed and it is time to move on and not look back.


The End

Contenido original ©

Original Content ©

Escrito por @escrito.secreto.10 de Julio del 2022

Written by @escrito.secreto. July 10, 2022

Fuente de imagen


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