Dead Row / Corredor de la Muerte

in Literatos2 years ago
Authored by @Dorian-A


Marché como prisionero condenado a muerte, con mi cabeza gacha, pasos lentos, arrastrando las cadenas de un pasado turbulento, caminaba como quien no quisiera ir pero debe, ya que no le queda de otra. Miles de pensamientos pasaban por mi cabeza, en todos estabas tú. Fue imposible el tratar de evitar tales pensamientos, recordaba a cada paso, como si de flashback se trataran mientras que al mismo tiempo una punzada en el pecho se hacía presente con cada recuerdo.

[I marched like a prisoner condemned to death, with my head down, my steps slow, dragging the chains of a turbulent past, I walked as if I didn't want to go but I had to, since there was no other choice. Thousands of thoughts passed through my head, in all of them there was you. It was impossible to try to avoid such thoughts, I remembered at every step, as if in flashback while at the same time a pang in my chest was present with every memory.]


Avanzaba por el pasillo de la soledad, volviendo a la silla eléctrica, después de mucho tiempo creer que abandonaría ese lugar en el que pase demasiado tiempo, y hoy mirame aqui volviendo con pena máxima, por el acto de traición. Y está bien, acepto mi responsabilidad en aquellos actos, luego de tanto rogar tener una persona, obtuve dos, y al final ninguna sin dudas es el acto pleno de la avaricia. En fin, antes de que todo llegue a su fin, te he dejado mis últimas palabras en aquella carta que en cualquier momento te entregaran.

[I was walking down the corridor of loneliness, returning to the electric chair, after a long time believing that I would leave that place where I spent too much time, and today look at me coming back here with maximum sorrow, for the act of betrayal. And okay, I accept my responsibility for those acts, after so much begging to have one person, I got two, and in the end none of them without a doubt is the full act of greed. Anyway, before it all comes to an end, I have left you my last words in that letter that will be delivered to you any moment now].*


Eres lo mejor de mi vida,
aunque te parezca difícil de creer.
Sabes que siempre
suelo ser un maldito cínico,
que no extraña a nadie,
que no le importa nada.
Pero tú jodida mujer,
haces que deje todo atrás,
que dejé mi melancolía por horas,
o días cuánto estoy contigo.
Y se que tuve mis errores
es algo que ya no puedo
reparar, la verdad nunca
que tenías tú que las otras no.
Quizás sea tu cuerpo,
quizás sean tus ojos,
esos ojos café oscuro,
que parecen un tesoro maldito,
por qué me enamoraron y
no puedo sacarlos de mi mente.
Mirando tus ojos aprendí:
A no prostituir un te quiero,
a no cambiarlo por promesas falsas,
a decir te amo desde lo más profundo,
de este corazón hueco.
Y aunque aún no me creas,
es tu mirada la que pone mi mundo
en cámara lenta
y calma todo mi caos.
Ahora me despido, sé que ya podré irme en paz.

[You are the best thing in my life,
even if you find it hard to believe.
You know I'm always
I'm usually a fucking cynic,
who doesn't miss anyone,
who doesn't care about anything.
But you fucking woman,
you make me leave it all behind,
that I leave my melancholy for hours,
or days how much I'm with you.
And I know I had my mistakes
It's something that I can no longer
I can't repair, the truth never
What did you have that the others didn't.
Maybe it's your body
maybe it's your eyes,
those dark brown eyes
that look like a cursed treasure,
why they made me fall in love and
I can't get them out of my mind.
Looking into your eyes I learned:
Not to prostitute an I love you,
not to exchange it for false promises,
to say I love you from the depths
of this hollow heart.
And although you still don't believe me
it's your gaze that puts my world
in slow motion
and calms all my chaos.
Now I say goodbye, I know I can go in peace].


(Imagenes sacadas de la red)
(Pictures taken from the web)
Dorian A. - El Corredor de la Muerte.
Noviembre, 25th - 2022.


Dear @doriantaylor,
Your support for the current HiveSQL proposal (#138) is much appreciated but the proposal will expire soon!
May I ask you to review and support the new proposal so HiveSQL can stay free to use for the community?
You can support the new proposal (#247) on Peakd, Ecency, /
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Thank you!

Thank you so much for your support of my @v4vapp proposals in the past, my previous one expired this week.

I'd be really happy if you would continue supporting my work by voting on this proposal for the next 6 months:

Additionally you can also help this work with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.