
43, 5. 7,231. 55. 143.

661,099. 56, 57, 58.

Okay, I see you are full of numbers now. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Is it the weekend already?! Not knowing what I'm having for breakfast is one thing but it's tough to keep appointments when you don't know what day it is. 💖

What are you up to this weekend?

Yeah it is weekend already. I Saturday Bible study got cancelled so watching the Olympics. What are you upto, Cooking breakfast?

I'm more of an eater. And riches doer. And riches put away'er.

Olympics? I had no idea there was any.

LOL Riches putter away _ hmm so you have loads of hidden treasures lol
Yes my dear the Olympics are on we are day 7 or 8 I guess LOL

I wish that were true and didn't have to admit autocorrect strikes again and that should've said dishes doer.

and he's not sharing any of that treasure with us either!

total eater

Not just once. Twice that shit shoulda said dishes. I'm not a big fan of dishes but apparently autocorrect hates them.

It's those coloured ring things, get with the program!

@dandays cook when he has a #1 chef in the house....I think not!

Even chefs need a break. My bro hates eating the food he cooks. He enjoy the simple traditional meals his wife cooks for him.

Hmmmm, so we should ask @dandays if he does cook sometimes.

She enjoys traditional meals I do not cook and instead drive. Opening doors and pulling out chairs along the way.


You're smarter than I cook.

Are you saying I'm lacking smartness to an extreme degree?

Oh he's just so FULL of random rambling numbers.

He is indeed, probably counting his riches.

Counting his richness of dishes. 😂

Exactly, now you're getting it. He dreams numbers lol

If he's dreaming numbers, I bet it's all crypto numbers, LOL

He's got numbers, but I don't see the magic numbers included in his number comment (sighs disappointedly). It's kind of like "EH"....still trying to teach him the proper Canadian usages, since he keeps sticking it in to any word grouping, like sprinkles on a cake.