Good day guys!
This is going to be my entry for the shadow contest. When I was walking to my workplace, I was shadow hunting. I was just taking random shots. I saw this photo and I just love the shadow that this guy produced. I was able to take a photo of him during his swing phase when walking. Every shadow was busy in this photo. Look at the third shadow where you can see that the girl was throwing some garbage. I'll be sharing with you also about my day in this post.
I got ready earlier than usual because last Tuesday I was forced to park at SM City Baguio because I ran out of parking at the University. I left at around 7:30 and when I was on the main road I saw also my colleague leave. But as soon as we got to the University's entrance here comes the guard shaking his hands that there's no parking anymore. We both drove to the hospital to time in and went to SM to park. I'd rather park here because the parking fee is only 50 Php for the whole day.

The sky just looked so calm to look at during the morning.

This was where we parked

Here are my random shots when I was walking down Session road coming from SM. I checked google maps and it's a 13 min walk to come from SM and going to my workplace. It's 1.1 km to go there. There were surprisingly fewer people compared to last Tuesday. But this made me remember the Enhanced community Quarantine where you would see no one in the streets. At least now walking is livelier than before.

Before going to my workplace, I decided to drop by at the University of Baguio to inquire about something regarding my Transcript of Records. I went there to ask if I could get my TOR earlier than the said date and they said that I can get it after 7 days. I think this is the best time to go there because I was the only one at the registrar.

I finally was able to reach my workplace. When I got to our department I was really sweaty. I still hate the fact that they don't provide enough parking spaces for their employees. Our chief also made us answer a needs assessment survey and it was asking regarding our income and workplace. I was honest in my survey saying that our income is not enough because I also help support my family. I also hate inflation. I really think that they should give us better compensation. Imagine that we work in a hospital and we don't even receive any Hazard Pay even during this pandemic. We're still exposed to different kinds of illnesses while working there.
I waited for our doctor's endorsements before treating our patient. Our doctor finally came and told me to treat the 3 patients. I also had 2 more patients with the other doctor making the total number of patients to treat 5. What sucked about today was that the elevator wasn't functional so I had to climb up the stairs. I went to the ICU first because 2 of our patients were there. My first patient was really scary to treat because of her apnea. She would stop breathing for around 10 seconds and you would even see the oxygen levels going down to 75%. I was monitoring her vitals the whole time and stopped the exercises while she was experiencing apnea. I then went to Patient 2, she's our oldest patient. When I told her that we were going to exercise she was ready and she was doing her part doing the exercises. I went to patient 3 and his blood pressure is toxic during his treatment because we are only allowed to treat him if he has a systolic BP of 140 and below. I was testing him on what he could do but his BP would shoot up so fast, I was only able to make him short sit for 4 minutes because his BP wouldn't go down. I went to patient 4 and she was a new patient. She's actually a pedia. I really felt bad for her because they found a tumor on her head and they had to operate on her. When I was treating her, she would often cry but she was also lethargic at the same time. I went to our last patient, I was supposed to make him short-sit but they were about to leave the hospital already so I just did our normal treatment so he won't get too tired before leaving the hospital. I'm really happy that we got a discharge today. After treating the 5 patients. I went to our department disinfected, charged, wrote the notes, and updated our doctor.
I was trying to get a shot of my shadow after treating all our patients but I think it's a fail haha.

During the afternoon, I was trying to review. I was reviewing and resting the whole time waiting for it to hit 5. Finally, it hit 5 and we had to walk back to SM.

While walking I wanted to show you guys why I also call our City Jollitown. When you go to Assumption Road there's a Jollibee on top.

When you reach the bottom of Assumption connecting to session road, theres' another Jollibee there.
When you walk up a bit further at upper Session road, when you look you'll spot a Jollibee. I really don't know why there's so many Jollibee's here and they are close to each other. I wasn't able to take a photo of the Jollibee inside SM but there is 2 Jollibee's inside.
Finally, we reached our destination and I was sweating so bad because of all the uphill climbing. Before leaving I had to pay for the parking.
Driving home felt really good because there was no traffic. I had to pass by for some eggs before going home because my mom told me that there were no eggs anymore.
I then got home and disinfected. After a while my brother told me that the sky looked nice, I immediately went out and took some photos of it.
We then ate dinner and I was just using my computer most of the time. I was also able to pet Yoda. It really feels good to pet him because his fur is so soft and it relieves my stress. I hope that you had a great day!
Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!
The photos used in this post are owned by me .
Another fantastic post from you! I'm impressed with all the effort you put into your posts. Great shadow photo entry!
Thank you so much @melinda010100 for hosting this. I try to devout one day of the week shadow hunting. Stay safe always!
You have so much to tell about your day and to show so many shadow photos.