Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 103 - Sunset Reflection

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago
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Challenge launched by:@olgavita
Community:Shadow Hunters
Topic:Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 103 Announcement

As the sun sets, it's always a beautiful sight to behold. But have you ever thought about how reflections of the sunset in the mirror are made? It's actually quite fascinating!


When light hits a reflective surface like glass or water, some of it is reflected back while some passes through and is absorbed by what lies beneath. When sunlight reflects off of these surfaces at certain angles—like when we look into a mirror during sunset—we can see its reflection on our own faces or in other objects around us.
The way this works is that as sunlight travels from one medium (the air) to another (the glass), part of its energy gets lost due to refraction and absorption. This causes different wavelengths within the visible spectrum — reds, oranges, yellows —to be more pronounced than others when they reflect off mirrors and other surfaces at certain angles . The result: stunningly vivid reflections that make for breathtaking views!


So next time you're out enjoying an evening sunset with friends , take a moment to appreciate not only its beauty but also how those amazing colors were created through light reflecting off various surfaces just right !


Dok sunce zalazi, uvek je predivan prizor. Ali da li ste ikada razmišljali o tome kako nastaju odrazi zalaska sunca u ogledalu? Zapravo je prilično fascinantno!


Kada svetlost udari u reflektirajuću površinu poput stakla ili vode, deo se reflektuje natrag dok deo prolazi i apsorbira se od onoga što leži ispod. Kada se sunčeva svetlost reflektuje od ovih površina pod određenim uglovima – kao kada se gledamo u ogledalo tokom zalaska sunca – možemo videti njen odraz na našim licima ili u drugim objektima oko nas.
Način na koji ovo funkcioniše je da dok sunčeva svetlost putuje iz jednog medija (vazduha) do drugog (staklo), deo njegove energije se gubi zbog refrakcije i apsorpcije. To uzrokuje da različite valne dužine unutar vidljivog spektra - crvene, naranđaste, žute - budu izraženije od drugih kada se reflektuju od ogledala i drugih površina pod određenim uglovima. Rezultat: zapanjujuće živopisne refleksije koje stvaraju poglede koji oduzimaju dah!


Dakle, sledeći put kada budete vani uživali u večernjem zalasku sunca s prijateljima, odvojite trenutak da cenite ne samo njegovu lepotu, već i kako su te neverovatne boje stvorene kroz svetlost koja se reflektuje od različitih površina baš kako treba!

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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What beautiful photographs, nothing more beautiful than a good and colorful sunset
Beautiful images, I appreciate that you have shared with us
have a beautiful sundayHello dear friend @obsesija good day

Hello @jlufer! Thank you for your support, I am glad that I participated in this round of reflections.

Thank you for your support.

What a fire!! ;)

The fiery colors of the sky really leave you breathless.

Yay! 🤗
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