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RE: announcing the 23rd guess the shadow contest!!

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

HAHAHAHA! I think @dandays is off enjoying something today (not sure what, maybe practicing monkey swings from trees?). I'm not going to be of any help either, I'm going to have to sit with this one for a bit before I come up with something that takes it in a different direction.


Look closer

You too.. isn't any one going to add some clues here.. @eolianpariah makes each one more difficult than the other.

i gave you one clue already. it's not the latest model in electric vehicles. how many clues do you need?

I know I know , you did say something about having to use a older mode of transport.. I will come up with mine as soon as this brain of mine is warmed and from the freeze it went into LOLOh no so you now you've taken down @moon-city 's story of the samurai and the rat.

Older mode of transport......hmmmmmmmm 🤔

Think harder @nineclaws. I know by now the strange workings of your mind would have reached the netherworld. 😆

LOLOL, yes, they did and I plundered it as much as possible. 😂


I'm still working on my guess, lol.

Waiting to read your take on the shadow.

I see you found it!

Yip I did and it is as interesting as always.

Hahaha, thank you!