Besides a ‘Shadow hunter’, I am also a ‘Relections hunter’. Water and glass are a great source of reflections. Shining surfaces give out reflections as well, but the clarity will depend on how shinny and smooth the surfaces are.
Angles play an important part in reflections. The shadow of an object – say, a tree, from any angle is still a shadow of the tree. However, reflections seen from different angles will give you different pictures – and, in some cases, a totally different picture. I hope I put that correctly. But I am sure reflection hunters will know what I mean.
Since the Reflection Hunters Contest is taking a break this week, I will take this opportunity to post my photos of Reflections that didn’t make it to the weekly contest – for one reason or another.
“Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.” - Anonymous
Beautiful reflection, maybe I should try to join the contest in it is resume.
You should. The rules are the same as Shadow Hunters. 😊