Hola apasionados de esta espléndida ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨: Estoy feliz de contar con este espacio en nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨ ; Una oportunidad única para compartir un pensamiento o un mensaje a las generaciones venideras; Soy una ¨agradecido¨ de la vida, los senderos que me toco caminar siempre fue ¨cuesta¨ ¨arriba¨, tuve superar muchas ¨adversidades¨ y ¨piedras¨ en el camino, sin embargo, debo ¨agradecer¨ esta experiencia, las personas somos más propensos a aprender de las cosas malas. La vida es más corta de la que suponemos, es por eso que debemos aprovechar cada segundo para vivir de la mejor manera posible, compartir con las personas que amamos y aprovechar cada oportunidad para decirles lo mucho que los queremos, no te guardes estos sentimientos, nunca sabes lo que puede suceder mañana, o si vamos a tener la ¨oportunidad¨ de un mañana; Es por eso que aprovecho cada ¨oportunidad¨ para decirles lo feliz que estoy de poder compartir mis post con todos ustedes, en esta maravillosa comunidad. Quiero aprovechar para desearles ¨felices¨ ¨pascuas¨ Que lo disfruten mucho
El 10% de la recaudación de este post es para nuestra querida ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨
10% of the proceeds from this post goes to our dear ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨

Hello fans of this splendid ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨: I am happy to have this space in our ¨chain¨ of ¨blocks¨; A unique opportunity to share a thought or message to future generations; I am a "grateful" of life, the paths that I have to walk was always "hill" "up", I had to overcome many "adversities" and "stones" along the way, however, I must "thank" this experience, the people we are more likely to learn from bad things. Life is shorter than we suppose, that is why we must take advantage of every second to live in the best possible way, share with the people we love and take every opportunity to tell them how much we love them, do not keep these feelings to yourself, You never know what may happen tomorrow, or if we are going to have the "opportunity" of tomorrow; That is why I take every ¨opportunity¨ to tell you how happy I am to be able to share my post with all of you, in this wonderful community. I want to take this opportunity to wish you ¨happy¨ ¨ Easter¨ Enjoy it a lot
¨ShadowHuntersContest¨: Las cosas en materia de afección está muy complicado, está habiendo muchos ¨contagios¨, además, estamos conviviendo con cinco ¨cepas¨ ¨diferentes¨, tres de ellas son muy ¨contagiosas¨, lo mejor que puedes hacer en esta ¨situación¨ es salir lo menos posible, y quedarnos en la ¨seguridad¨ de nuestro ¨hogar¨; Por suerte tenemos algunas imágenes de ¨sombras¨ que hemos tomado hace algunas ¨semanas¨ Quiero ¨agradecer¨ profundamente a nuestra querida amiga @melinda010100 por invitarnos a ser parte de esta maravillosa comunidad y a compartir cada semana nuestras ¨cacería¨ de ¨sombras¨ y participar de este genial

¨ShadowHuntersContest¨: Things in terms of disease are very complicated, there are many "contagions", in addition, we are living with five "different" strains, three of them are very "contagious", the best you can do in this "situation" is go out as little as possible, and stay in the "security" of our "home"; Luckily we have some images of "shadows" that we took a few "weeks" ago. I want to deeply thank our dear friend @melinda010100 for inviting us to be part of this wonderful community and share our ¨shadowhunt¨ every week and participate in this great
Nuestra ciudad es muy coqueta, hay muchos ¨elementos¨ que son ¨provistos¨ para mantener la ¨higiene¨ o mejorar la ¨vista¨ de nuestra capital; Somos personas que nos gusta vivir bien, tener todo ¨ordenado¨ y ¨limpio¨, es lo menos que podemos hacer por los ¨turistas¨ que nos visitan a diario

Our city is very cute, there are many "elements" that are "provided" to maintain "hygiene" or improve the "view" of our capital; We are people who like to live well, to have everything ¨ordered¨ and ¨clean¨, it is the least we can do for the ¨tourists¨ who visit us daily
Nuestros ¨abuelos¨ nos enseñaron a no ¨arrojar¨ nada a la ¨vía¨ ¨publica¨, incuso nos ¨invitaban¨ a que levantemos del piso y arrojar al ¨basurero¨ si veíamos algo fuera de lo normal; Ellos decían que la ciudad nos¨ representaba¨, era la cara de como éramos realmente las personas en nuestras casas

Our "grandparents" taught us not to "throw" anything into the "public" road, even "they invited" us to get up from the floor and throw it in the "trash can" if we saw something unusual; They said that the city represented us, it was the face of how the people in our homes really were.
Llevamos a nuestra ciudad dentro del ¨corazón¨, siempre la queremos ver bien, hacemos y ¨contribuimos¨ para que eso siempre suceda; Somos ¨orgullosos¨ de ser correntinos, y de vivir en una ciudad ¨agradable¨, ¨ordena¨ y ¨limpia¨. Estas hermosa imágenes las tomamos con nuestra cámara ¨Nikon Coolpix B500¨

We carry our city within the "heart", we always want to see it well, we do and "contribute" so that this always happens; We are "proud" of being from Corrientes, and of living in a "pleasant", "orderly" and "clean" city. We took these beautiful images with our ¨Nikon Coolpix B500¨ camera.

Source: vimeo-free-videos
You always share lovely and unique shadow pictures and i always love to see them
Very best luck for the contest and thanks a lot for sharing the pictures.
You really are a shadow hunter as you actually hunt the shadow :-)
happy Easter
You are very kind, I heartily appreciate your kind words
very happy to know that our images have been to your liking
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon and a happy resthello dear friend @harpreetjanda good day
#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
Namaste🙏@jlufer, Beautiful shadow images you have captured Sir, Thanks for sharing
how are you dear friend @ idea-make-rich
Thank you very much for appreciating my images
I wish you happy easter
Great shadows. Thank you so much for sharing these. Good luck for the contest and hope that you had a great weekend.
very happy to know that my images have been to your liking, I heartily appreciate your kind words
enjoy a beautiful afternoonhello dear friend @rupinder
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
hello dear friends good afternoon @ hivebuzz
happy to be here publishing every day.
I appreciate the great work you do for us.
I wish the whole team a splendid day
It is always a pleasure to read you and to know all that this platform brings to you 😊👍
We wish you a happy buzzy week!
Me gusta mucho cuando en retratos utilizan la sombra como parte de los efectos, siempre dan un toque increíble a la fotos, saludos mi amigo @jlufer !
Es verdad, las sombras crean un efecto muy especial a las imágenes. Nos encanta tomar este tipo de fotografías
que disfrutes de una hermosa tarde aprecio de todo corazón esta agradable visita querida amiga @carlagonz
Igualmente amigo un abrazo!!!
Wonderful shadows, @jlufer!
happy that my shadows have been to your liking
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon. enjoy it a lot
Always wonderful shadow photos! Your city is beautiful and it is easy to see why you are so proud to live there! Thanks for being such a great Shadow Hunter friend!
Hello dear friend @ melinda010100 happy that our images have been to your liking.
I am grateful for allowing us to publish our content every week in your wonderful space
I wish you happy dreams
Lovely shadows. Thanks for sharing the shadows in your beautiful city my friend.
Have a wonderful evening.
Hello my special friend @jlufer
I recognize that you like the environment and its preservation. The pictures of the place where you live shows that it is a neat and clean place as it should be. I also consider your concern about the pandemic and the best recourse is to stay indoors, well at least where I am, that's how I see it.
My favorite photograph is of shadows is the last one but the first one of the trunk and the purple leaves a beauty.
@jlufer - !WINE
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have a beautiful afternoonHow are you dear friend @andyjim thank you very much for the great support you give me