Longing for a hot afternoon on a rainy morning (ReflectionHunters)

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago
Que genial que llegara el día sábado, es cuando visito esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  para acompañar a mi amiga @olgavita en el ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  con algunas fotografías de reflejos que hemos hecho durante la semana, en algunas de las tantas visitas que estamos haciendo a mi ciudad. Curiosamente estamos a mediado de año, y es cuando tengo que renovar las mayorías de mis ¨exámenes¨¨medico¨ y así poder ver la evolución o no de mis afecciones, es lo que me moviliza varias veces a visitar las calles de mi ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

How great that Saturday arrived, that's when I visit this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:   to accompany my friend @olgavita in the ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  with some photographs of reflections that we have taken during the week, on some of the many visits we are making to my city. Curiously, we are in the middle of the year, and that is when I have to renew most of my "medical exams" and thus be able to see the evolution or not of my conditions, which is what motivates me several times to visit the streets of my city < /div>

Hasta ahora no encontré a una persona que diga que le encanta pasar los días de la semana yendo de un ¨hospital¨ a otro, o que le encanta que le estén pichando para algún ¨examen¨¨medico¨, tampoco soy de esas personas, pero como no lo puedo evitar, trato de hacer algo que me guste para que los días no sean tan pesados. Algo que me gusta hacer es tomar fotografías de las cosas que me llaman la atención, y en una ciudad hay muchas cosas bellas para fotografiar

Source: Family Álbum

So far I have not found a person who says that they love spending the days of the week going from one “hospital” to another, or that they love being asked for some “exam” “doctor”, I'm not one of those people either, but since I can't help it, I try to do something I like so that the days aren't so hard. Something I like to do is take photographs of things that catch my attention, and in a city there are many beautiful things to photograph

Algo que me gusta hacer y creo que todos ya lo saben, es fotografiar las casas o los edificios, sobre todo cuando son estructuras antiguas y están muy bien conservadas, como esta hermosa propiedad que ahora pertenece a un organismo público. Me encanta tratar de definir a que estilo de arquitectura pertenece, los detalles de sus fachadas que hacen única y es lo que hace que una propiedad se destaque del resto, o ver sus aberturas y el nivel de compromiso que han puesto al momento de su confección, y para ser honesto, en esta propiedad han hecho un trabajo hermoso, que a pesar de que han pasado muchos años de su construcción aún sigue luciendo muy bien

Source: Family Álbum

Something that I like to do and I think everyone already knows, is to photograph houses or buildings, especially when they are old structures and are very well preserved, like this beautiful property that now belongs to a public body. I love trying to define what style of architecture it belongs to, the details of its facades that make it unique and what makes a property stand out from the rest, or see its openings and the level of commitment they have put into its creation. , and to be honest, they have done a beautiful job on this property, which even though many years have passed since its construction, it still looks very good

Otra cosa que no puedo dejar de hacer una fotografía es cuando estoy presente frente a un navío, desde niño he sido un fanático de las embarcaciones, y espero no irme de este mundo antes de tener un ¨barco¨ para navegar por las aguas del ¨Paranᨠen compañía de mis seres queridos, esto es lo que siempre he querido, pero como todo en la vida, he tenido otras prioridades

Source: Family Álbum

Another thing that I cannot stop taking a photograph is when I am present in front of a ship, since I was a child I have been a fan of ships, and I hope not to leave this world before having a ¨boat¨ to navigate the waters of the ¨Paranᨠin the company of my loved ones, this is what I have always wanted, but like everything in life, I have had other priorities

Mi pasión por los ¨barcos¨ no me permite estar frente a ellos sin tomar mi cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ y hacer fotografías a las embarcaciones, sobre todo si estos están en el agua del rio proyectando hermosos reflejos, que es otras de mis pasiones al momento de salir hacer fotografías; no puedo regresar a casa, sin al menos haber tomado una fotografía. Esta última fotografía deja ver a una hermosa embarcación, y sería un gran placer tener una como ella esperando los fines de semana para navegar por el rio

Source: Family Álbum

My passion for ¨boats¨ does not allow me to be in front of them without taking my ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera and taking photographs of the boats, especially if they are in the river water projecting beautiful reflections, which is another of my passions when taking photographs; I can't return home without at least taking a photograph. This last photograph shows a beautiful boat, and it would be a great pleasure to have one like it waiting on the weekends to navigate the river


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

You presented a nice post with beautiful pictures, dear friend @jlufer ❤️. Thank you for sharing with us !LUV

Thank you very much, dear friend @olgavita, for the great support you always give me.
It is a pleasure to participate in your contests every week.
Have a splendid weekend

Hermosos los reflejos de los botes sobre el agua, me encantan los barcos, cualquiera sea y si hay reflejos mucho más. Grandiosas fotografías!! Muchas gracias @jlufer 😃

Estas son las cosas que me encanta fotografiar, fachadas de edificaciones antiguas, embarcaciones y reflejos.
Aprecio mucho el apoyo que me das a diario. Muchas gracias querida amiga @avdesing. Que pases un gran dia

No digas nada, pero a mi me gustan esas mismas cosas, construcciones y barcos! Naturaleza por supuesto. Que tengas un gran día!

Oh wow. These photos are all marvelous, @jlufer
Truly amazing!!!

Hello dear friend @bloghound, thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind.
have a beautiful day

in a city there are many beautiful things to photograph
I agree. The photos are pretty.😊

Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind
enjoy the weekend

You're welcome. Same to you, hope you enjoyed your weekend as you try to be better. 😊

I loved this walk along the coast, and the beautiful photographs you have taken of the buildings and boats
your reflection photo of the contest is beautiful

Yes, it is a beautiful photograph that I chose to participate in the challenge.

Your family album is rich with lovely pictures.

How happy it makes me to know that my photographs are to your liking, dear friend.

Nice photos and boats reflections.

How great that you loved my reflection shots, dear friend.
have a lovely afternoon

!discovery shots

Thank you very much dear friend @jlinaresp
you are very gentle
have a great day

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Awesome bro it is good to explore our own cities and environments

Made in Canva

- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

Thank you very much dear friend @benthomaswwd for the great support you always give me
Have a beautiful day

I wholeheartedly appreciate the great support you always give me for my posts, you are very kind dear friend @hive-179017

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Thank you very much dear friends for the support you give me.
everyone have a great day