How easy is a ¨shadow¨¨hunt¨ when ¨ShadowHunters¨ [Esp/Eng].

in Shadow Hunters14 hours ago
Feliz de estar nuevamente en esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:   para compartir con todos algunas de las fotografías que tome en una de las tantas visitas que hemos hecho al ¨casco¨¨histórico¨ de la ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

Happy to be back in this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:   to share with everyone some of the photographs I took on one of the many visits we have made to the ¨historic¨ center¨ of the city

¨Casco¨¨histórico¨ se lo llama a una parte de la ciudad donde las construcciones conservan la ¨arquitectura¨¨original¨ y de época, estos edificios se mantienen gracias a que han sido nombradas ¨monumentos¨ ¨históricos¨ y no se las puede derrumbar o cambiar su fachada original, es decir, lo dueños de las propiedades pueden hacer la reforma que deseen de puertas para dentro, el frente se lo debe conservar y restaurar a su estilo original

Source: Family Álbum

¨Historic¨ center¨ is the name given to a part of the city where the buildings preserve the ¨original¨ and period architecture, these buildings are maintained thanks to the fact that they have been named ¨historical¨ monuments and they cannot be demolished or their original facade changed, that is, the owners of the properties can make the reform they want from the inside, the front must be preserved and restored to its original style

Caminar por estas calles rodeadas de ¨edificios¨ de ¨época¨ es como haber viajado en el tiempo para disfrutar de exquisitas ¨arquitectura¨¨colonial¨, si bien me gustan los edificios modernos y vidriados, debo decir que una parte del corazón desea ver las fachadas de adobe y grandes aberturas creadas en hierros trabajadas a mano

Source: Family Álbum

Walking through these streets surrounded by "period" buildings is like having traveled back in time to enjoy exquisite "colonial" architecture. Although I like modern and glass buildings, I must say that one part of the heart wants to see the adobe facades and large openings created in hand-crafted iron

Me encanta visitar la ciudad por ¨placer¨, y no tener que andar a las corridas para cumplir con algunas ¨citas¨¨médicas¨, dado que son momentos que no disfruto de ver las cosas preciosas que hay en las calles, sobre todo cuando visito la costa, el paisaje allí es único, y hay que estar tranquilos y sin preocupaciones para asimilar todo su encanto

Source: Family Álbum

I love visiting the city for "pleasure", and not having to rush around to keep some "medical" appointments, since those are times when I don't enjoy seeing the beautiful things that are on the streets, especially when I visit the coast, the landscape there is unique, and you have to be calm and without worries to assimilate all its charm

La ribera no solo es un lugar precioso, también es el lugar ideal para hacer nuestra tradicional ¨cacería¨ de ¨sombras¨, dado que en la costa hay muchas cosas que proyectan hermosas sombras que nos permite participar de este genial ¨ShadowHuntersContest¨:  Cuando se trata de cazar sombra, la costanera jamás nos defrauda, siempre hay sombras preciosas que fotografiar con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨. Es increíble lo sencillo que resulta hacer una ¨cacería¨ de ¨sombras¨ cuando vives en una ciudad soleada

Source: Family Álbum

The riverbank is not only a beautiful place, it is also the ideal place to do our traditional "shadow hunt", since on the coast there are many things that project beautiful shadows that allow us to participate in this great "ShadowHuntersContest":  When it comes to shadow hunting, the coast never lets us down, there are always beautiful shadows to photograph with our ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨ camera. It's amazing how easy it is to do a shadow hunt when you live in a sunny city


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Hermosos reflejos del sol y las sombras que este genera durante tu paseo!!! Que tengas muy buen comienzo de semana @jlufer 😃

Buen día querida amiga @avdesing
ha sido otro día genial para hacer tomas de sombras, conseguimos algunas hermosas
Muchas gracias por apreciar mis fotografías, eres muy gentil
que tengas un maravilloso día

Un placer, que tengas un lindo día!!

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Thank you very much dear friends @worldmappin

Hey @jlufer you are welcome.
Thanks for using @worldmappin 😘

Namaste 🙏 Sir, you have shared a beautiful shadow pics🤗

How are you dear friend @idea-make-rich
I appreciate with all my heart your kind words, you are very kind
Have a great day

@jlufer! @idea-make-rich Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @idea-make-rich.

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You hunt some amazing shadow pictures...good luck 👍

Good morning dear friend @mysteriousroad
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful day

Wish you the same 😊

I always love seeing the old historic parts of town! Wonderful shadows!


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Thank you very much dear friend @melinda010100 for appreciating my photographs and the great support you always give me

@jlufer! @melinda010100 Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @melinda010100.

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Thank you very much dear friend @idayrus

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I really like this part of the city, there are beautiful old buildings. Beautiful photographs of shadows

The old part of the city is beautiful
It was a very sunny day that allowed us to take beautiful shadow shots

Good evening and peace be upon you. It's a pretty nice place and I like the photography results that you showed.

Good morning dear friend @mnurhiver
Corrientes is a beautiful city, and being very sunny allows us to take beautiful shots of shadows
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs

Congratulations @jlufer! You received a bright smile from TravelFeed. Our eyes were beaming while reading your post. 😁

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@for91days (TravelFeed team)

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