
hehehe YES you won!!! :)

will send you your hive in a bit :)

yesterday was madness and i'm JUST getting started today and its 12:44 LOLOL

I was up earlier - but then hanging with mom and dad and enjoying breakfast and their lanai and a walk with my daughter and now... it's back to business - oh my gosh, I have too much to catch up on hahahaha

YES!! I WON!!! How great is that??

I can imagine things must have been hectic. As long as you arrived safely and you and your daughter are enjoying the time with your parents now.

Enjoy the time and make the most of it!!

hehehe you did!!!!!! you got it right and you were FAST! It should be in your wallet now

We are here safe and sound - had a special treat of going to out to lunch with my aunt and mom - and then my daughter snuck away and talked to the waitress and paid for the whole meal!!!!!!!! we were dying!!!!!!! hehehehehe

so so special! :)

My aunt just went back home (she lives very close to my mom) but will be back later tonight we think :)

That is so awesome!

I'm glad to hear that you are safe and enjoy your visit...Well, I knew you were safe... had a chat with you this!

That's so beautiful what your daughter has done. I haven't even met her yet...but tell her I'm proud of her for treating you guys in such a manner!!

And yes, It is in my wallet, thank you so much!

hehehehe she is an incredible young woman.

if i start writing this comment about her - i will never end.

so let me just say... i am blessed by her immensely 😍

I will send the tip to this comment - but it should appear in your wallet ;)

Great stuff! No problem!